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I i s cDartnotyof tU t Zit the Ztttibutc , Ch. VII. fhould with reverence yield up it felf to the Word of L,r-VGod, that reveals this great ktyfery to us. I Cor. t. The Apofile tells us, that yews and Gentiles confpi- red in the contempt of the Gofpel. Reafon cannot hear without great aftoni(hment, for the appearing contradiction between the terms, that God fhould be made Man, and the Eternal die. The yews efteem'd it an intolerable Blafphemy, and without any ProceCs of job. io. g ;. Law were ready to acme the Lord Jefus, That being a man, be fbould make bimfe'lf equal with God. And they upbraided him in his Sufferingsthat he could not Mat. 27.42. fave himfelf. Ifhe be the King of Ifrael, let him come down from the Croft, and we will believe on him. The cor. s. 23. Gentiles defpifed the Gofpel as an abfurd ill-contrived Negant Deo Fable. For what in appearance is more unbecoming dignum, ut God, and injurious to his Perfections, than to take the homo6eri + frail garment of Fle(h to be torn and trampled téque fil g l on? P intirmitare Their natural Knowledge of the Deity inclin'd them çarnis onera- to think the Incarnation impofíible. There is no re- fer, üt P3m0- fiibus, ut do- femblance of it in the whole compafs of Nature. For loribus, ut natural Union fuppofes the parts incompleat, and capa- fu 'lj eretpfe ble of Perfection by their joyning together: But that Lan. a Being infinitely perfe& fhould affume by perfonal Union a nature inferiour to it fell, the Heathens lookt on it as a Fable forg'd according to the model of the Orig. contra fi&ions concerning Danae, and Antiope. And the Celt. Do&rive of our Saviours Death on the Crofsathey re- jectedas an impiety contumelious to God. They judged it inconfiftent with the Majefly and Happinels of the Deity, to afcribe to Him that, which is the punifh- ment of the molt guilty and miferable. In the ac- count of carnal Reafon they thought more worthily ofGod by denying that of Him, which is only due to Orig. c:nrra` the wont f men. Celfua, who with as much Subtilty Cell; Lib. s. as Malice, urges all that with any appearancecould be obje&ed