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Q onttíbít g tRebemptían. 5 Now the Divine Word alone, (which calls the things Chap. I. that are not, as if they were) caufed the World to rife .; from the Abyfs of empty nothing. At Gods Command Rom. 4.17. the Heavens, and all their Hoft were created. And this C4, 33. 6. led him to confider the Immenfìty of the Divine Ef fence; For Infinite Power is incompatible with ai"nite Effence, and by the confideration of the Inamenty he might afcend to the Eternity of God. To beEternal without beginning, and Infinite without bounds, infer one another, and neceffarily exifi in the fame fubjeCt. For 'tis impoffible that any thing which is form'd by another, and bath a beginning, fhould not be limited in its Nature by thecaufe that produced it. Therefore the Apofile declares, that the EternalPower of God is fet Rom, p. 20. forth in the Creation of theWorld; joyning with the difcovery of his Power, that of his Eternity. 2. Admirable Wifdom appear'd toMan in the Crea- tion. Forby confidering the Variety and Union, the Order and Efficacy, the Beauty and Stability of the World, he clearlydifcerned that Wifdom which fo re . gularly difpofed all. 'Tis thus that Wifdom fpcaks in the Bookof Proverbs; When he prepared the Heavens, Prov. 8. 27 I was there : Whenhe fit a compafs upon theface of the 28'29' depth : When he ellablifhed the Clouds above : When he ftrengthened the Fountains of the Deep When he gave the sea his Decree, that the Waters fhould notpats hir Commandments: Whenhe appointed theFoundations of theEarth: Iwas with him,contriving all in the belt man- ner for Ornament and Ufe. The knowledge of this, fill'dhis Soul with wonder and delight. The Pfalmift breaks forthwith aflonithment, as one in the midfi: of innumerable Miracles, 0 Lord, how manifold are thy pra. ro4 works ! in Wifdom haft thoumade them all And ifhe ditcovered fuch wonderful and Divine Wifdom in the Works of God, when the vigoux of the hasmane derfranding.