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6 VieOtt-manyof tIe Ztbtne2(ttrtbuteZ, Chap. I. derffanding was fo much impair'd by the Fall; how LeV-N...) much moredid Adam, whoperfectly underlfood Vni- verfal Nature, theoffices of its parts, the harmony of the whole, and all the juft Laws of Vnionby which God hath joined together fuch a multitude of beings Co diftant and difagreeing, and how the Public( Peace is preferved by their Private Enmity ? This difcovery caufed him to acknowledge, that Great is the Lord, and ofgreat Power :his Vnderflanding is infinite. 3. Infinite Goodnefs fhin'd forth in the Creation. This is the leading Attribute, that call'd forth the reft towork. As there was no matter, fo no motive to in- duce God to make the World, but what arofe from his Goodnefs : For he is an Allfufcient Being, perfeF,fly bleffed in himfelf. His Majefty is not encreafed by the Adoration of Angels, nor his Greatnefs by the Obedi- ence of Nature; neither was he lefs happy, or con- tent, in thatEternal Duration before the exiftence of any Creature, than he is fince. His Original Felicity is equally incapable of accelion , as of diminution. 'Tis evident therefore, that only free and unexcited Goodnefs moved him to createall things, that he might impart being and happinefs tothe Creature, got inrich his own. And as by contemplating the other works ofGod, fo efpecially by refle&ingupon himfelf, Adamhada clear fight of the Divine Attributes which concurr'd in his Creation. Whether he confider'd his loweff part, the Difficile eft Body, 'twas form'dofthe Earth, the motf artificial and expediren. beautiful pieceofthe vifhleWorld. Thecontrivance an r1p ns s of its parts was with that proportion and exaFlnefs, major fit, as molt conduc'd to Comelinefs and Service. Its ffature Lail. e op'f was ere and raifed, becoming the Lord of the Crea- tures, and an obferver of the Heavens. A Divine Beautyand Majeftywas fhedupon it. And this was no vanithing