Bates - BT825 B37 1683

4 b 1S ER ttil 0N, S loofed, and his knees (mote one againft another. This is a repre- fentation of thofe who bid deh ance to Death at a diflance ; but when the fatal Hour is corne, and they hear the Sentence decreed a- gainfl them , yod hajs numbred thy days, and fini/h'd them: thou art weighed in the ballante. (all thywords and A&ions, thy Thoughts and Affetions) andart found wanting : and thy Soul Ball he divided from thy Body, the one fent to Hell to fufer the undying Worm of Confcience, the other to the Grave,tobe a prey to the Worms` of Corruption ; how are they overcome with horror z. Thecontinual fucceflion of the Pleasures and Eufnefs of the Worlddivert the mind from the attentive firong contemplation of Death, and the confequences of it. Penfive thoughts are un- welcorhe