Bates - BT766 B3 1699

50 Spiritual Perfec`hion. to fatisfie rafh Curiofity. There is a knowledge of curiofity and difcourfe, and a knowledge of doing and perform nance. The art of Navigation requires a knowledge how to govern a Ship, and what Seas are fafe, what are danger- ous by Rocks and Sands, and terrible Tempefis, that often furprife thofe who Sail in them : but the knowledge of the Caufes of the Ebbing and Flowing of the Sma is not necefIary. To believe Ewing- 1,y in Chrifl, we mull know that he is the Living and True God, and True Man, that dyed for our Redemption , but 'tis not neceffary that we fhould know the manner of the, Union of his two Natures. 'Tis prudent to Confine our inquiries to things which are 'pof ible and profitable to be known. , The difco. very of the manner of Divine .Myfleries, s not fuitable to the nature of Faith, for 'tis the evidence of things not flea : the obfcurity of the ObjeE is confiftent with the certainty of the Affent to it : and contrary, to the end of Revelation which is to humble us in the modeft Ig- norance of Divine Myfleries which we cannot Comprehend, and to enlightenus in thofe things which are requifite to be know.n. 'Tis the Glory of God to con- matter, He faveth us by the fub- ?ifïotz of Faith, and not by the pene- tration