Bates - BT766 B3 1699

168 Spiritual Per f e ion. of God without the true knowledge of him, as he is reveal'd not onely in his Works, but in his Word. Our Saviour, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, has declar'd, when he gave Commifl.ïon to his Apof-fles to preach the Gofpel to the World, whoever believes and is bapti- f d, (hall be faved, whoever believes not fhall be damned. We cannot make Laws to be the Rule of God's Judgment, but muff receive them. However force may flat- ter Erring Perfons in their Security, it will be found in the great. Day, that In- Eidelity in the Light of the glorious Cofpel , will have no Excufe before God. The Doarineof the Gofpel is like the Pillar of Cloud and of Fire, that was darknefs to the Egyptians, but inlightned the Ifraeiites in their Paffage out ofEgypt: 'tis conceal'd from the Proud, and re- veal'd to the Humble. The Humane Mind is imperious and turbulent, and averfe from fubmitting to God's Autho- Pity, who Commands the Wife and moll Ünderffanding to yield full Affent to his Word, as the meanef} Capacities. The Natural Man receives not the things of the Spirit ofGod, for theyarefoolifhne/to him, neither can he know them, becaufe they aree i^itsaally difiern?d. There is no propor- tion