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176 Spiritual Fer fe& iort. The Eye is not fatiafied with feeing , nor the Ear with hearing ; but the Favour of God, and the bleifed effeas of it, pals all Underftanding, our molt comprehen- five Faculty. _ There is more Shadow than Light in -our brighteft condition, more Gall than -Honey in our fweeteft Fruitions : But fuppofe the appearance of Worldly Hap- -pinefs , gilded with fpecious tinctures , -were truly great and goodly, joyful and -fatisfying, according to the Fancies of Carnal Men yet the Price would ex- -treamly fall, by confidering they are of -no longer continuance, than the flight and expiring Breath of our prefent Life. -The Glory of this World is like a flafh -of Lightning in its appearing and va- -nifhing. The longeft Line of Time , -from its firft rife to its laft period, is but -a point to Eternity. Now that Happi- -nefs which is fading, is not true Happi- nefs in its own Nature, nor correfpon- _dent to, our reafonable Delires : For the apprehenfion of its approaching end , -will imbitter the relifh of the prefent en- joyment. - But the Happinefs of the next Life is -doubly infinite, in the degrees and dura- -tion. The lean part of that Happinefs is a perfea freedom from any touch or shadow of Evil. Humane Language has