Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Ofthe .attire, Knorwledge, Will Volition as terminated on this or that objedt, and fo as hue volitio ab objelto denominata. 3. And his efficient volition, and Power is termina- ted on ohjedts in time, without mutation in God. 4. And ¡T. B. that God doth fufpend his own Poifible Politions in many cafes As he doth Not will to make moreWorlds, more Men, more Suns, more Laws, be. than de facto hewill make. 5. And it is nomore defedtfvenefs inGod tofufpend aVolition for a tithe, than thus to do it for ever. 6. And it is no more Pependence on theCreature to Terminate his Volition only on a qualified 1ubjel ( performing the Condition) than to terminate his Efficient Power and will on fuch or fuch a qualified fubjedt: As e. g. He terminateth his Omnipotent Concurfe for Generation only on the materiel feminalis retie difpofzta ;; He concurreth to burn by fire, be. And if his As ef- eEtivelyTranfient may be terminated only and temporarily on difpolèdob- jedts, If he did fo inadts Objectively Tranfient, and did freely not-will thedamnation of man till he had adtually finned, but fufpended his will freely till then, and then de novo terminated is on the faid qualified ob- jedl, I fee no Phew ofDependence or Mutability. For I oft cleared it be- fore, that the terminationof Gods Knowledge, Willor Power on any parti- cular Objedl, is in him no addition to its eflence; And doing it de nova, is no change in him but in the Creatureonly ; nolniore thanit would be a change in theSun or its adtive Emanations, if a thoufand new creatures newly receiveitsInfluxand are moved by it varioufly according to their fe- veral Conditions. Yet I have before given reafons why inciperejamprade- finare is more incongruous language. 358. I put in this only to deprecate the blind uncharitable cenfures of diffenters in this point, who think that Gods Volitions areNew and Condi- tional and fufpended, quoadaltum hune adhoc objectum ; and cry out, It is blafphemy,andmaketh God mutableand dependent. I am againft their opini- on aswell asyouas to Conditional,Adis : But falfe charges prove you not tohavemore truth, but lets love and fohriety than others. 35 9. X I. The nextdiftindtionof Gods Will is into Effettual and Un- effettual. And here he thatwould fee a great deal laid on the queftion, Whether God have any uneffedtualWill, and whether mans will can fru- ftrate it, may fee toomuch in a multitude of Schoolmen on i sent. q. 45.. 4q..d. r. Scot.q. un. Du. & 46. Some anfwer (as D'orbellis,ic.) that the Voluntas Beneplaciti is rand. q.1. Bonay. art. I. ever effedtual, but not theVol. ftgni; which yet Peeing he well explaineth to Greg. Aran. q. un. är. 3. rem.. t. 4Q. c. 22. Alva. be only the making ofDuty, he might well have faid is Rill effedtual to de Aux. di#. 32. Ruin de its properprimary effeec. Greg. flrimin. ( and many others) diftinguifh Vol. Dei.ifp.ra. Gran. de of thewill ofComplacency andDi plieenc and thatProfecutionis &fuga; Yl. Dei. T7ati. 4.difp.3, p y f yr soar. t. 4. dorradelt. e. a. and fay the latter is effedtual, and not the former : which others fay of Gr. Val. dijpa. gag. p. 6. the Abfolute Will as diftindt from the Conditional. The plain truth I (*et. Nagar. Ban. Dam. Navar. Gon(at. Nou& have oft openedbefore : Gods Will is the firft Efficient , the chiefDin- vafqu Ripá. Arr ...'9. gent, and the Final Caufe ; (inwhich the threePrinciples, Power, Wifdom ibid. Nie. D'Orbet.t.d.46. and Goodnefsare eminent.) I, His efficient will is ever effectual, and andmany other Scotifia, never fruftrate. Whatfoever pleafed theLord (todo) that hedid, in Hea- er`' ven and in Earth, in the Sea and in the depths, Pfal. 135. 6. And who bath refitted ( this) his will Rom. 9. Ig. 2. His Directing will is ever effedtual as to themaking of the Law or Rule, andof Due or Right there- by : For fo far it is efficient of that effedt But it is too oft violated by our fin. 3. His final will or Complacency is Gods being pleafed with - the Being, or Adtion, or relation of the Creature, and ftippofing it, is not efficient, and therefore not effedtual. AndI knowno need of more upon thisqueftion. 36o. X I I. TheTaft nowto be named is, The tlntecedent and cenfequent will.