Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and Decrees of god; &c. felted. For when e. g. the firft dayes work was made, allwas donewhich he then willed to be done, and fo for the fecond day, 6c. And now all is done which he wouldhave now done : And his Will is ever perfe6tiy pleated ; And hewanteth nothing; So that an Endnot attained,is not to be afcribed to God, except materially. 394. Thus God is faid to have madeall thingsfor himfelf Prov. t 6.4. Decade forHu Pleafure theyare, andwere created,Rev. 4. r 1. 395. For his Decreeingdifpofing Will is fulfilled by all, even the wick- ed that arefor theday of Evil: Though his Commanding Will being not fulfilled by finners, according to that he is faid tohave no pleafure in them, but to hate them, prat. 5, 5. Heb, ío.38. Mal. t. I . Ezek. 18.32: 23. 6" 33 II. Ter. z2.28. &48.38. Ecc/ef. 5.4. ?fah 5.4, 396. And left any think that thus God miffeth of his End, let it be Well noted, 1. That this phrafe of Gods taking no pleafire, is objclîively bothPo/live, Privative and Oppofitive, that is, It fignifieth that God will deprive the wicked of felicity, or the Communion of his Love, and will load themwith forrows, and will fet himfelf againft their Comforts. But z. As toGods own Complacency of will , it is but equal to a negative i His felicity lyetll not in theirs : And Co as Gods will bath no actual Com- placency in Nothings, ( as in moreWorlds, or Creatures, than ever will be ) and yet his Complacency is perfe&; fo though he havenoCompla- cency iii the Holinefs or Salvationof thole that are never Holy or Saved, yet his Complacency is perfe i. 397 There is no doubt but Man bath Ends and Means, besaufeGod bath fo appointed it, and made him not in a ftate of perfection, but in via: Yea, Angels have anEnd and every creature, becaufe defective de- pendent beings ; even in a formal fenfe. 398: God is thisUltimate End of man, as he is to be perfe&ly Loved and Pleafed ; to which all are means : Andthemeans are orderedas Ends to oneanother. 399. Ufually where the Scriptures and Preachers do fpeak ofGod as the End, and of IntentionofEnds, they mean Mans IntentionandEnd, pre- fcribed him by God. But if they /peakofGods, they mean only, formal- ly the fulfilling of his mill, and materially his Glory, or theperfeLling of his works. 400. The finis operis as diftinc& from the finis operantis is nothingbut the aptitude and tendency of the work to the Authors Intended End, or to Some effeFl : Notthat the opiss.gah opusfinem intendit. 401.If all thefe diffienities lye in the way,Whether andhow farGodintend an End at all,, judgehow far it is fit to ccntend about the Mental Order of his Intentions, and whether Judicious Davenant wasnot in the right. 40 t. I I. If it were granted, that Q>sodprieos eft lntentioné, poteritis of exeelltioáe, nothing would follow to gratifie either party in thefe Con- troverfies. for 411 would be but this, that [God IntendedHinifolf, and the Fulfilling or Complacency of his own Will , before he willed any thing elfe that ever cometh to pap.] And what's this to thebufinefsc 403. But they fiy, It is his Glory that be firft intended: I anfwered before , His Glory is, . Himrelf ( and then it's the fame which I affert- ed :) or 2. a Creature ( and then it is not formally his End.) 2. His Glory as it is his Compleat Image on the whole pereltedWorld, is his End indeed Materially ; But that is but to be the dompleat Mears The perfeltèd means may improperly be called his End: But forma denominat. 404, When they fay, that it is the Glory of his Mercy and Juftice á.They Hence they difpúte Whether Gods Provi= deuce alwayes attain his Ends.: and Ruir citetll for the affirmative, calori Nat. Alvan. and Scat: Menfil. Okam , Gabriel: Hervæas, Oviedo ; and for the negative ; Alex. Alain. Durand. Marfil. eapreol. Ferrar. d- cam- munirer- recentiores ; Ma. liná, zumel, Vafg. Starct, Valens. Recanno, Siestas; Femnattus, Arrabal, &c. And all this difference is about names and words. AndRui is for the Negative , felt. 3. ¡sag. 0. qüia aligns finis Deus intendit valiti. one conditionna , dr non totalizer efficaci. So that the quef ion is, An Voli- tio conditionna e'r inef ficax fit Deo dfcribendd quando suit ed aúxilia quo confenfum liòminis red- duns pofflbilem , nielbomia nera {attune potentem? Pt an volitio hoc dicendo fit Intenda finto ? For he concluded' as agreedcu byall, that Gods Provi- deuce h never frufrate, kindred, deceived, or f luauating,norany thing doneagainft it atifolute- ly, oragainft its totalads; equate End.