Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Ofthe Wäture, IÇ o'rrletlge, Will of áll hisPower and his Alis as Acts are due to God. 2. Andail the good Inclinations of hiswill, and all the Laws, promifes , perftvaións, threat- ning9, mercies, afflictions; examples, convictions, which tend morally to turn his will, are fromGod ; fo that in every good Volitionor actionman * Molina maketh God Both no more thanGod did both enable him, command him, perfwade hii,az celafam partialem i. p. q. and helphim to do , and fo procure the actual determination of his will. 14. 4.3. d:f. 6. Sotru So that de re we fee how much God doth alwa es (betides that Grace 11. 2. Pbyf. di put. de cm- }' .Cis denyeth it ; And zu- may fometimes for ought Iknow otherwife predetermine :) And we fee mel difputeth againft it what man doth : And all that youcan defre more is, that noman that loth in 1,2.T1Oom.p.43. Concl. 2. And fodama- any good dc%, fhould be able at that inftant not to do it, or to do otherwifi. ny others ;. And great and then it mutt follow that no man that omitteth a good alt, or that fn- diverfity here is among.. , them while Come affirm meth, could do otherwife r whichare falfe. So that here is only the /is andCome deny, but none de nomine left, AnDeuifit Caufa partialea ? I think it fitteft to fay, that ofus underhand the my- he is Caufa totalis of his ownAlt and of the effeft as it is anAci and fterie of divine concurfe. > t Sofay ockam and Ga- of all that is laudable in it too, for the reafons aforefaid. But yet he is brill Biel though zumel not theCarafesfola, norin that fenfe totalis of the Moral fpecification, as colt it a moli tmproper mode of fpeaktng , be- if when he giveth hisCreature a Power of choofin' or rèfufxrg freely; caufe fo no one Caufe it could not be done, without his further phyficalpredetermination. could be called Total : 6 And under favour I takethe name camp partial tò be im= Andwhy fhouldir, if it $ ( J p be not ? ( except that proper, and that it fhould properly be called Pars Caufe: For when di. God isabove our order, vers concurr in efficiency, all make but one proper efficient Cade. INow andfonotaPart.) y p r p Bonavent. in T. daf. 38. I fuggeft to the Learned Reader that is againft me , How he will decide q. a. enquit, Futurum Ili- the forementioned hard queflion, whether there be more Entity inGodami cpier e ..toddam eft ujusD its eft tots Caufa, the Creature than inGod alone? It is dangerous fayingTea or Nay and we at create: noddem cu- know not well what to fay : But for my part, as I faid, I will notfay that jut creatura, ant voruntas God is Parr Entitatis nor yet that the Creature is not Ens, nor yet that e2 Tatacaufa, at font de- , fedus:r peccata t . t ed- it is God: But the folution muff be either from theEquivocationof En- dam cujus Deus da' ut tit or from the Creatures Inexifience inGod, or from fomewhat rather ra plat feint Caufa, ut hi font opera nacnrataa which I knownot. And juft fo here; the queftion is, whether Gods Cau- insalaa ; pia Delta CO- peon and Mans be more than Gods alone? And I will not fay thatGods is operator creature : Re- fpeGa prima faturi Di- a Part ; nor yet that Mans is none, nor that it is the fame with Gods :. vina prafcientia efi teta But that Gods ailing and concurfe are quite above the reach ofMortals. caufa : fecondi non caufa again But here i note what I faid even now, i. That it is no more tertia eftcaufa fed non tota. 5 g Gab. Biel in 2. d. 37. fign of flnitenefs inGod, nor difhonour to him, to be a limited or Par bringeth in Stow laying tial Caufe, than to be no Caufe, and limited totally by fufpenfion of the Liest Dent Volendo cau- fatamniagsacaufat, non whole ad: And yet fo he is as to all Pofbles which he doth not make tames ideo eft caufa rota- or move. 2. And that it is his own free will only that thus limiteth him ;, lis a quia volt esimo cas- fe- cum ,,,,,,,.re 4j As it doth from giving all men more grace, &c. So that really here is /as, & ntrumque mit, & matter of fatisfadion. egellas effe, co fawn con- 569. Though he offend me by making God the Caufe of fin' I will eurrere cafes fcundas, $ e non diverfs, fed g. you_ here cite thewords ofour Countrey-man, Holkot Quodl. lib. a. qu. r. [Eli None, net :mum piss & acif d, fententia omnium Thealogorum quad Deus eft camp immediataomnis rei ml agse PmueCreata- p roduîa /c quad omni creatura agenti, five fit Natura five Yoluntas, ra eft caufa totalee Deus caagit : 6. fie imaginandam eft quod in amni alíione creatura qua Doso temper concurrit ali aidpr digit Deus 6. Creatura antdms cau aPartiales illitss roduli: dub. z. artialis q' P imaginando ad 2. ex Greg. Nonfit z quad Deus producit imam partem efeaus,per crea- Ariin. seobefcum tanquam lurk aliam, & ob hoc dictator Caufa partisdis fed ideo quia con- caufa oioiate produca currant in agendo vel caufando Undotam caufa univerfalxquam alum maim. Gregor. Arim. his words particularir dicitur eammunzter caufa particles : ides etiamSol Home air. (inz. d. 34. a q) font dua camppartiales bominis enerandi fimiliter Yir é Muller: Atlas malt doom elicit Peccator, Dens eft immedi- n a ad hoc quadaliquid dicitur caufa partiales fufficit quad fit tale quad mend ó e/ciens atfrrlmearn- ropier ipCum 6. quoddam aliad vel quadam alía res ponatur in e f fie , f s 'dem. OfGreg. AIM. fee quad illis pofitis res of , 6,aliquo iflorum ablato res non jet.] more in the conclufion of this Chapter. 570. Further