Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and Decrees ofCjod, &c. 93 580. And note, that it ii,both matter and form, A& mid obliquity which they fay God willeth á1t fiat : For it is fin :.And forma dot nomen. It is not fin, but by the form of fin. But if they had laid otherwife, it had beenall one : For he that willeth thefundamention, relate and torte- saixlr r;vike Vindic:c>'ar; late, willeth theRelation. ter P. i. sec7 y p 137: 8 r. There is nothing left to be laid then, but that God willeth that [Pafßomood pé jeer 5 o a ones zftar rizinzfelta e, ne- fn be done) but not as fin, or becaufe it is fin; But this is nothing: Fora Celle ett non i ápEdiar in= I. Either none or few of the Reprobate do will fin becaufe it is sin, but gaz!left trle had becaufe of the pleáfure of fenfe or imagination, or for feeming good. proved thatGc wasnot a. And if a man or Devil do malieioufly will fin as fin becaufe it is able tomanifefi his Mer- cy and Juflice by Iacvs, againft God, fo doing is but one of their fins, which they fay God willed' and nhumnanng men to at fat before they willed it (and predetermined them to it :) fo that here know tlreo, without co- is nothing in it but what is firft and chiefly of God. of fin? b.xYetslothle of fin ? z. Yee Jodi he 58z. If they fay that God willeth it for the Gloryofbed 'f rice, and fo do make Cln;lts death .un: not wicked men, but for wicked ends or in enmity to God - I anfwer faCjoo and his oadar y > > faftion to rufüce fo far That proveth that God bath a will which thevvicked have not, but not as that Goth could have that the wicked have any will which God hath not : Fpr that mill and accomplimed ose par= don and fif lielon ano that Enmityto God 11111 is but one of their fins which they fay God fieft riser way if lie would : willeth ut fát. And is finbetter or more , 583. Obj. But it is only utfiat ipfo permittente non faciente. ui:lairy thanCssi üsfaltion ? d. And me- Anfw. The hypocrifie of that addition maketh it but theworfe in the thinks they that lay fa affertors.. For r. They ufually make Gods will efeciive of the thing and operationlof mGeaances willed. z. They maintain that there is nothing in the ad as circumftan- in comparifon of Fhy&- tiated which God is not the total firft efficient Caufe of. 3. They confers much tofn, wludgi were that the formal relation neceffarily refulteth from the ad and Low : And ;t a means (om it s not, why then dothey put in the word [perrnittente?] Would not that de- but a Patlive and nppo., ceitfully infinuate to the Reader that the fanner doth fomething which moeralmeaos.) is but á God Both not do, but only permit, when they mean no fuch thing? For And himfelf faith page that is my fecond reafon againft them. 136. [ per/nip peccati . medium ñ 2. By their do&rine God never permitteth /to (which is falie i Tana; foam à Déó ræ For that whichhe willeth and caafeth as the firft total catefe, he cannot sm: At peccaroni nqn eft be faid to Permit : To do a thing, and move another to do it, will not Medium proprie, Dei mt= Rand withproper permi on. fericardiæ, five tultlrie : 8 Ob But God re ervetb our awn Liberty zn ac ing Media eaim ejos rani ne- 5 5 ) p f y ri tare, ut ad ea faciende; .ftnfw. a. By Liberty you mean nothing but willingneß as fuck, that maveatur gais,eee tntenuC God cloth not make mens Nilling to be a willing or contra in the fame ere; fnie.l would the all. Which is but to fay that God caufeth me to will to and not to Reader efe a better will-Hill -it ? 2. If you meanmore, I deny that ever Godgave Poster to himflfr? But hlie there theWill to will or Nill contrar to theVolition and hvlìcal removing addeth that ;t ïa Gone y P P g etf non medium, as (lone predetermination of the firft caufe. 3. But if all this were fo, it's no and Timber to an I3oafe. thing to the prefent cafe ; and dothnot prove that God is not the Caufe And yet fin they ray of the fin, but only that man is a Caufe alto, caufed by the firft Cauce ; thehubjeft aind ob efts andthat GodWillethand Caufeth us to finwillingly and freely. but is a seer Privation 586. 3. By this means theymakeGod equally to will and Cátlee our of mórat Reft;tüde. Eur y ey q y if it be tö the Devils Milne !and our fn: For they cannot poffibly tell us what he doth more Kingdom loca materia, it to Cade our Holinefs, than to will it, and to predetermine the Will of ti er, iera beggarwanRr a man to it, (befdes commanding it, which is a Moral au t, and we (peak boufe, is chat want the Materia donino ?. n) nor the'Materia ofhis mercy. i or bounty that buildeuln is. Thus the defettivenefs of the fúbt;leít witsábufeth God and his Church; when the Chadi- an fimplicity of model fouls with a holy life would honour him. So Sett. q, pag. 137. peccatore mißi videtur proprie dicendum effe materias manifeflandæ Dei fine mifericordi.c, fve juftithe potine pane medium : PermiTonem verá pene cati medium effe epos manifeftanda proprie dictum. But r. how oit elfewhere doth. he forget and contraditt this? s.. Pere million it felt is nothing (being bon: non -impedire.) And is nothing, or non-agere, a proper means ? Eut e(peci- ally I intreat the Readerto obfervethatin that very plate 7-wiffe and Armin ias' are herein profeledly agreed, that it is thePermilron of fin, andnot the fun, that isthe Divine medium (only one faith Prædrit oationir, and the otherprovidenfia: And yet they will differ while theyagree : And I that differ from both, would agreemidiboth. only