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* That Relations have no entity extra intelle- Clam eater abfolotrsm , Ockam in many difputes inhis uodlib. Iheweth. 1$elation is but campa- rabiliias. * An Relations reales fist in tel ad Creatures, e. g. Creator, Domina, &c. Al: firmatir ab Ockam & Gabr. t. d. 3o. q. 5. Du- rand. q. 3. Marfil. r. 2. 32. a. i. Greg. Ar. H t. . u 28. rtad. atu a. r r. Th Peo - t. Neg a miftis : fed eft Lis de no- Ida et notat Vafquez in r Tho. q. 13. a. 7. Nu!. lam quippe fundamentom de novaeft ex parte Dei, fed creature : IdeaThomiftn votant Relation rationis. t Bonavent. in I. d.45. q. 2. Refol. Deus non di- ther, facet Omnipetons Cr omnifciens, cum Volantas ablirabet & á raflent aclnalitetis , & è ration taufe. See his plain explication of it. Vide Alllac.inprincip.i. At è contra Bredmzrd. I. i. c. io. cor. pag. 197. But not accurately e- nough ; though it Items bot la de: sexine. Of the .`Nature, K(rlotivleddge, Will which he effeeteth not. But agairfl diem in this Suarez and others have Laid enough. 5 4. 1hough Gods Naturehave no seal Accidents, but fimple effential perfection, yet Relations, or Relative Accidents are not to be denyed of him. For indeed ( as Ockam bath copioufly.proved ) * Relations have no real- Entity, or are nothing befides the Abfóluta and the Act of Reafón about them. + Relation is but rerumCompara which Reafon ufediby adtual comparing-conceptions of them. 5 5: Though theThomills fay, that man only is Related toGod,* relati- one ratissais, and not God to man, yet Pet. Hurtado de Mendoza and others ftrongly affert, that God himfelf bath not only Relations rationis and Tranfcendental, but Relations alllo; ai Creator, Dominino, Reeler, &c. which the Scriptures conftantly afcribe to him; And twhich indeed are no way notes ofImperfeéìion. For if it be no Itnpedèution in God to Create, Redeem, Sandia, Rule; 'e. it can be none to be related to us as a Creator, Redeemer,Sanélifier, Ruler, 6c, For it is nothing more. 56. As Gods, Immanent . A$s are his Efence, but notimplyas Effence 5 but as.Efence in the diflinc`lAcis of feltliving,fef-knowing, fëlflevin;i related toHimfelt: fo his Actions ad extra are his Effence as Related to -theCreature, but not fimplyr as Effence, but as Efence-Ac'ling. 57. Gods will as mealyOrdinant or Dirigent effeftcth only Order and Dire/lion , but not the Subflances ordered. 58. His will qua Finis is not£ficient. t 5 9. His Will quit Finis is his will asPleated bybeing Fulfilled. Go. All that is Good is Pleating toGod, and fo is the final fulfilling of his will. 61. God willeth efficiently all that ùGood, which comethte pats; For all Good that is, ever done, is donc byhim, though notby himonly. 6a. But hew illeth thevarious production of things , as they are vari- a,.By produced; fomefolelybyHimfelf, and Come by Creatures and means fane neceffarily by nectffitated agents, and fome freely by free agents. . 63. AsGods Efficient will caufeth the thing willed (ühether tubftance-3 accidents, rule, order, &c.). fo his Final willor Complacence fuppofeth the Pleafing thing in Being : That is, If it be the Thing it fey, that he is Pleafed in, it is fuppo'ed Exiflent; If the thing as Pail, it is fuppofed Pail, or that it was exiffent ; If the thing as future, or fore-known , or fore-willed, it is not the thing it felt that is in, that inflant properly laid to Pleafe him, but his ownKnowledge andwill concerning it : Thoughwe ufe to call this, The Thing in deCognita autT'alito. Of Futurity , fee Bona-,- -aencores dillinâión of futur. gnoad fucceffio- flex temperie, & gaudor dinem temporales ad atm., nomfcundan ce ftcutiosen with the application, in r. dtg. 38. dab. 2. V id. Blank decencerd.lib. & deceit. i. n. 54. that- futurity is nothing but rrffémns rationis and nccds no caufe, but that of the thingfuture. SECT. V, Of Futurity and its pretendedCaufes. 64. - He, Pofbility and Futurityof things , are notaccidental noti- ons, or relations of the things themfelves ; but are termini di- minteentes, as to the Things, and are fpoken of Nothing. To fay that a Thing May 6e, or will be, which now is not , is to fay that now it is nothing. 65. Nothing is no Elea; and therefore hathno Caufe: Therefore things Pofble and Future as fuch, have no. Caufe 66. Therefore Pfleiltty andFaturity,as they are taken for anyattribute- .. on