Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

22 Vid. Again. I. 7. 3.14. art. 13. ad fecundum. Scot. in I. d. 39. q. 4. Rad. ii. r. Cont. 30. art.5. pag. 3ro, 311, &c. See Iychet. Confutation of Cajetan and ockam at large in r. p. d. 39. q. I. fol. 254. ad 268. Leg. Pennot. li. 3. t. r I de° 12.7.188, 169, dot. Alex. Aleof. t. p. q. 23. memb. 3. ar. 4. Thom. cont. Gent. c. 66. FrancitMayro. 1.7. el. 38 & 39. Lycbet. I. d. 39. q. to It you would fee what the Thoenijts fay of theft, Aipalda will direft you whereto find them. And the Scati7s andNominals tieing fewer are loon found. Ofthé ,keiture,knowledge, Will I33. And here dieTbomits and scotifis have another skufe, on the question, Whether this knowledgeof future contingents and the candid.. ons ofexiftency inGod, be Necefjary inhim, orfree and contingent r The Thomifis thus conclude, i. si futurum contingent fecundumfe, v pans propriatn naturam conftderetur, neceffttas nullatenras ei convenue petto, fedfola contingentia. 2. Si futurum contingent coafderetur fecundum quadfubeft Divine fcientiæ, eft necefarium abfolute. 3. Hecpropofttío, Deus feivit Anticbriftum futurum, eft fimpliciter abfolute neceffaria :. fed h.c confequens, [Ergo Antichrittus erit ] fion eft abfolute neceffarium fedcon- tingens, fa fecundum fe confidereter: At ut divine fcientia fubeft, eft ab- folute necef farinm. 4. Scientia Dei refpeítufuturorrtm cantingentiumprole jam ad pfd a eft terminata, eft fimpliciterneceffaria. And they prove the affirmative thus, i. Gods knowledge is ,Immutable : therefore neceffary. 2. Toknow futureContingents is Perfedtion : therefore neceffary in God. 3.This Can be in God : therefore it neceffarily is inhim: 134. The Scatifis thus exprefs their fenfe, ( after much explication y, I. Futuro contingenta fecundum fiaampropriam naturam confderatonulla neceftas convenire poteft. 2. Futura contìngentïa, etiam ut fubfunt Divine féientiæ, non fiant neceffaria. 3. Futurum contingent .etiam ut fàbeftDivine fcientia, eft quoad elfe (impliciter contingent, ci fecundum quidneceffarium. 4. Propofitio hic [Deus fcivit Petrum futurum ] fivefrit de prefenti, vet de preterite, non eft fimpliciter neceffaria, fed ex fuppo_ fttiont. 5. Prafatapropofttio amnia.futuraeontingentia, fiantneceffaria meditate imm'utabilitatis. 6. Scientia Dei refpeCtu omnium ereaturarum quoad e/fe exiftentii carom of contingens, & ex fuppafitione necefaria. I recitethewords ofRada only, that Inmay not weary the Reader by refer- ring him to perufe toomany Authors, and becaufe no manbetter difcutfeth thedifferences. See ail() his anfwers to theTh'omiffs arguments, pag. 514. He that would perufe more, may fee them named inRipalda lib, r. d. 38'. & 37. and may read Aquin. I.p. d. 38. q. I. ar. 5. Aureal. r. d. 38. ar. t. Ockam 6- Galri. ib. q. unit. sr. a er 3. Greg. ib. q. 2. Durand. ib. q. 3. Fab. d. 54..Cajet. Naz. Bannez, Zumet, Gonzal. Arrab. Malin. Yafq: q. 14. tir. 3. Tanner. 1.p. d. 2. q. 8. dub. 3. Valera. hp, d. r. a. t4. p. 3." Suarez lì. 3. de Attribut. C. a. Ruizd. ro. Bonavent. 1. d. 39. Aquil. scotell. in'. d. 39. 9.2. And on the fame a multitude of other known Scotifls, &c. t 35. Should I proceed to open to youall or half thequeftions about which theschoolmens acuteft wits do but dream, concerning the Knowledge and Decrees ofGod, fhouldweary my felf and theReader to littlepurpofe; fuch as, An fcientia adtaalis aliarum fit de Effentia Dei? An Efentia Dei fit Motivum adequatum epic fcientiæ ? An Dem cognofcat creaturas ex feipfo, aut ex alio per difcurrum? An6- quemado fcientia Dei pot di- vidi in ptares ? An& quemodo Deus cognofcat Mala ? An&quentad° Deus cognofcat negations 6° privations? An Dena cognofcat Entia rations? An habeas in fe Entia Rations? De fcientia Media. An fcientia Vifonir fit caufa futurarum? An futura caufa fcientia? An fcientia fzmplicts telligentia fit eaura futurarum b. prat/ita ? An Deus cognofcat futurs comprnendo b dividendo ? AnDeus cognofcat prifentia eadem indivifibili cognition , qua ipfapranovit futura ? An Dens naverit Infinita fcientia frmplicis intelligentia ? An eadem cognition fe & creaturas cognofcat? An exiltente objefto pro falo imperio Paluntatis Devina poffit non effe en Dee aliquis allots fcientia divine intellernei po/fibilu f &c. witha multi- tude ofleffer queftions which arife in the handling of thefe; And with as many more about Predeftination, Gods Decrees or Volitions., Pre- determination, s