Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Of the Kature, knowledge, Will the reciting: Vindic.Grát.Li. i. p. t. Digref. 5, [ . trid pod eadem ftatuitur neceftas ah utraq; prafluens, tam is prefcientia Dei quam ab epfus VeItntate. Nam licet Arminius voluerit neceftatem á Dei valuntate prafeUam effe neceftatem Confequentis , á pre cientia verò promanantem duntaxat Confequentis ; aliter tamest liifiim eft magmi 7'heologis. Sic enim Duraradus [..Non bene dictent ills qui dictent quod omnia de neceftate eveniant per comparationem ad Voluntatem di- vinam ; quia omnia refaa IYoltintatis Divina eveniunt.libere ; :ideo abfolute logeeendo pofunt non evenire.] Expreffitu Bonaventura [Dei vo- luntatem abfoluteemneceffe eft impleri ; conditionalem verò minime: fed advertendum quod eft neceffitas confequentiæ, fîcut predi item eft de prte- fcientia: Ipfa enim non habet neceftatem cnfequentisfed confequentia; Quuia necefario infertur &. fequitur , Deus prefcivit bec Ergo hoc erit: Sed tamers non neceffariopræfcit: quia in atta prefciendi frequen- ter notator effecluscontingens. Sic intellgendum eft quod I oluntas Dei abfolutet connotar eventum rei, eb. ideo eft ibi neceffitas.canfequentia : fed non cnfequentts ; quia non mutat eventum rei tende fient præ- fcientia quianecefario infert e feclum, nonpoteft fagli : ftc volantes abro- .4nnatos raie resent. Med. luta quits vece ario inert tent. rtaiß de Libertare q . f (thatis, inarguing) non poteft impediri.] cap. 6. feemeth not to Ita Trigofius in firm. Theol. Bonay. [EfeEtus contingentes b liberi f underhand him, as to comparentur adfcientiam, providentiam, b Voluntatem Dei dicuntur ne- this Nece(ïity tonfequen- ue, which is not at all cefarü fecundom quid, five ex fuppofitione, quæ neceffitas vocattir condi- Caufat of the event, but ttonalis 6- confequentiæ, non tamen abfoluta confequentss.. - --,Qqg òf the C h hi -on in ar- niam oa confequentiæ funs optima [Deus ret civit hoc uturiim, Ergo going ; Leaving i out, p f f from whettce the event exit : Deus volt aliquid fieri ; Ergoflee ea modo quo voluerit, &-quando IS. voluerit ; Quia non fiat dart antecedens veroni Ci confequens fai- fum. ] Iffls ad amu (4m congruentia flint "'quintals ilia [Qgamvis Volumes: Deifit immutabili, b invincibili,, non tame"; fequitur quod etiam effecius fit necefarius vece tate abfoluta fedRam conditionata, ftcut . es. de prafcientia dictum eft. ] But the word [efeffus ] here is more than the refe fay. And more fully ibid, fed. 18. pag. ( Vol. min.) 23o. [ uidgaod Scho= latici, naminatim vero Aquinas 6- Durandus (nec quenquam navi aliter fentientem, N. B.) non aliam agnofcunt necetatem rerum, ration luntatis Dei, quamqua dici poteft, neceffitas confequentia. ] Andyet plainer ibid. felt. 18. pag. 332. c. 2. [At ea neceftas quam juxta noram fententiam oriri putat Arminius ex Decreto Dei, revers non tam ex Decreto Dei fiait, (quod monuit Perkinfus, boere,) quam ex fuppofitione decreti divini, in Argumentatione fciliçet : quoties fcilicet pa- ftta decreto Dei de re aliqua futura, legitime infertur neceffe effe ut fue tempore futura fit. At hujufmodi necéffitas nihilo minusev:ncitur exfop- pofitione adds liberi cujufcunque quam ex fuppofitione decreti Divini : etenimpoto quod ex/gat atlas liber, neceffeeftuterat. ] 175. We are all agreed then what Neceffrtyit is that fore-knowledge; decree, and providence inferr as to the acts of fin : viz, of Logicalconfe- quence. Let them now but make it good that their Phyfical efficient predetermining premotion caufeth no other, and I will contradilt it no more. 176. But whereas they conftantly fay that God predetermineth mans will to the mode as well as to the aft, that it be donefreely as well as that it be done ; if Willingnefs and freedom wereall one, I would grantit, on their grounds. But if an Immediate-Phyfical-predetermining-efficient ?remotion, and an invincible caufationof Habit and Alt by the firft Caufe, bring