Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

0f thé .T(ature, L(non'ledge, Will . 2 r t. Thedue qualification alto of the Inferiour faculties ( the Senfes, and Phantafie, and Organs ) is fuppofed to thebeingof truePower. We never hadPower to fee without eyes, no more than without Light. This Power of the Inferiour faculties fome call Potentia fecunda, as CO theads of the Superiour. 212. It is no true Power ad hoc, which is put to overcome a Greater walingPower. Wenever had Power to overcomeGod, or to ad againft his pre-moving pre- determination (as Bradwardinetruly f aith. ) 213. Aman may Able mediately to do that which he is not Able Immediately todo : I mean he that can write with a Pen , or move things with an Engine, and foad but as apartial, though Principalcaufe, may not be Able to write without a Pen, nor to do the fame alone as a Total Caufe. 214. And a man mayhave Power to do that Mediately and Hypotheti- callyhereafter, which hecannot do Immediately, that is at theprefenr time. He can learn to write, and after can write, who cannot write till he path learnt. Thus Infants have a remote Power of fpeaking, and Infidels ofbelieving. 215. NomanDoh allthathe is trulyand properlyAble to do. 216. Noman doth all thathe is Difpofed and Habited to. Sudden ob- jeéts oft carryus againft ftrong Habits. 217. Amanordinarily willeth andAlleth according to thepredominant Habits ofhis foul, if he haveobjeels and means. . 218. Aman alwayes willeth that whichhe isfalely difpofed to will, or molt difpofedtowill, at that moment ; and which he apprehendethfub om- nimoda ration boni: Much more if he were perfectly Habited to it, in his Vitality, intellectandwill. 219. No man aeeth without the Effentialfundamental Inclinationto Goodand to Natural felicity : But a man may by fudden infligation and occafions will that which before he had no particular difpafition to : A Power may be without a Habit. ago. NoGood mans Habits hereare perfect in goodnefs. 22 z . No Bad man here is at the wodi ; nor deftitute of all MoralPower to all thingscommanded himofGod. 222. A bare MoralPower which cometh not up to be an Inclination or Habit, determineth not thewill of it felf. 223. Habits tend to the wills determinationper modem nature, ut appe- titus; But they are not fufcient to it, or neceffary determiners de events/. 224. weak Habits are oft born down : strong ones rarely, yet fometimes. 225. Anunholy foul is much more Impotent as to the great Internal Acts ofLoving God, delighting inhim, &c. rhan to any meer externalAct which the Natural Power extendeth to : And foare the regenerate in that meafure as they are unrenewed. 226. But we are moreable toLoveor will aright, than to work and Do aright ; becaufe here both muff coneurr, which requireth more Powerthan one alone. E. g. to Rule the Thoughts aright requirethmore Power than to bewilling to rule them. 227. Yet in thatmeafure that aman is willing to do Good, he is Morally able, ( and more than able) Becaufe Morality being first Seated in the will, it is no fartherMorallyGood or Bad, than it is Pafitively or Priva- tivelyVoluntary. He that isfncerelywilling, is ;merely Able, and;he that is Perfectly willing, isperfectly able ( and more. ) 228. Every