Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Vid. Bellarmin. de Grat. er lib. arb. li.5. per to- tom , dr C. 30. de dill. ne- cegitatrs. liradmárdine plainly faith' ti. 3 c.9. p. 675. that [Nailer! aétors noffer. eft Jempliciter in naftra pote- ftate.(we grant not ab- folutely and indepen- .dently ) fed tantum fe- cund m quid, refpeclo Ca e- farum f cundárum. Ni- hit. elf in naftrn potefta- te nifi fubaCtiva , fubexe- cutiva a fxbferniente ne- celario, neceftate natura- liter precedente, refpeclx voluntatea divine. uod idea in nojraelicitor po- teftate, quia cum volumus illud facimus voluntarze dr net inviti. So the by himno creature wa ever able to'domore or lefs than it Both, excep you call him able to do ut, that cando it when God makes him do it but that is notto be able before, or when he i not caufedto do it. Of theNature, L(novledge, Will his fault. What then t' Why, the Precept to that man is pall into a Virtual fudiciary sentence, condemning him as difobedient; even as it is with thöfe in Hell. 239. Therefore fine the fall, fame, which once faid [Thou Both not properly oblige us as Let we were born without, becaufe w lets is that Innocencynow the condition as if he Rill faid [Beperfonally a l" d that thou maifl live.] Butthe Law being still the fame we that the Law of innocency in it felt is the ¡/rait continue perfeltly Innocent;] but it w to that Innocency or . perfection which e are become uncapable subjects: Much ofany Promise or Covenant of God ; idperpetually Innocent, and thou ¡bait ove ; an i are uncapableof theduty, arenot uncapableof the guilt and condemnation: And therefore theLaw and Covenant are now become a virtual sentence ofCondemnation finnot obeyingperfonally, perfec 'lly and perpetually to the death. For he that bath once made Innocency Naturally Impokible CO him, is Virtually in thecafe ofone that bathperfevered to the death in fin 240. But if thecontracted Impolfibilitybe not Phyfical but Moral, the cafe isquitedifferent. For then the thing is a threefold fin in it felf as aforefaid ; s. Thedifablingfin. 2. The vicious Difability or Malignity of theWill. 3. And the afterfin thereby committed, and omiffionof duty. More of Phyfical and Moral Impotency. 24x. r.No righteous Lawforbiddeth Phyfical Impotency asSuch, nor commandeth men Phyfical Impoffibilities, as is faid ; But.Gods Lawspri- marily forbid the malignity of theWill, which is its moralImpotency,. 242. 2. Rulers ufe not to make Punifbments for Phyfical"Impotency, But for thewills MalignityGod. Both. 243. 3. Rulers ufe not to propound Rewards for Phyfical Impoffibili- ties But for the fruits of MoralSanftityor Habits, and for themfelves, God doth. 244. 4.No jail Judge condemnethmen for Fhyjicallrnpotency; Butfor Moral God and man do. 245. 5. NoGoodman hateth another forPhyfical Impotency ; But fox Moralmalignity God and mando. 246. 6. An inlightnedconfcience atriofeth and tormenteth no man for meer Phyfical Impotency andImpossibilities : But for the wills Malignity t _Confeience will torment men. So that it is evident that one fort of Inc s potency maketh an ads no fin (in its degree) and the other maketh it a t greater fin. ForNature and common notices teachmen to judge that the More willingnefs, themore culpability. But he that bath Aftualand Ha- bitual wilfulness and is as fo.e Adulterers, drunkards, revengeful proud, covetous, &c. who are fo bad that they fay, I cannot cboofs', s are theworftof all the forts of (inners, by fuch difability. , 247. It is moft probable that God overcometh Moral Impotency, and givethMoral Power, by Moral Means, and Operations : For thoughGod can give it by a proper Creation without Moral Means, and we cannot fay that he never Both fo, nor how oft he doth ordoth not ; yet it ismolt probable that his fpecial Grace, lothby his Trine Influx of Power, wifdotu and Goodnefs, Life, Light and Love, fufcitate the natural faculties of the foul to the firft fpecial Act, and by it caufe a holyHabit,which he radi- cateth by degrees ; And this is Metaphorically aCreation. 248. This is certain; that since the fall we have the fame effential faculties ; that Original fin is not as Illyricus fo long andobtinatelymain - tained ( though an excellently goodand Learned man) aSubftance, though it be the Pravity of a fubfiance : And that finchanged not the humane ecies >l dothGrace change our fpecies. It is certain that the Adsof *r wove,r w these