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44 Of the .Nature, I(novledge, Will Ab omnibus' eoneeffum eft, nullamveritatemitrllore in- tad-tux Divinnm at proinde propofitiones defu- Pero contingentabraa, ere. Blank. de Concord. lib. cum Decretis. i. Thee 49> 50e 51 Rada tibi fupr. (whowas one of the Congregation where it was .difputed before P. Clem.8.andwas againft it ;as Pet. i S. o- reph and others tell us.) Non defuse exmnofiris'qui fcientiam median: aliqua- tenus agnofcunt, inquit Strandius 1.3. C. 13. p. 675. naming even Go- mama, oveleeas,and Lad. Cretins, as alfa fatale. Martini*: and:other Lu- therans : and are we fur- ther fromArminiens than °amarras was 1 fwear and blafpheme : knowing how uncapablefuch Moles as we Mortals are of underflanding the intrinfck manner of Gods knowledge 5 And I deteft the very queftion, and am but perfwading others to deteft it thus underftood. z69. Much more do I think it arrogant prefumption in thofe that difpute pro fcientia media to fay that God Can no otherwife know future contingents. As Annatus de fcient. med. p. 85. contr. Twiff. D. t. c. Seclufa Scientia Mediâ non remanere in Deoprefcienti- ám abfolutamfuturorumconttngentium. Et cap. 6. Secleefa Scientia Me- dia non pofe pnedefiniri à Deo liberas creates voluntatu e t Tones. O Man ! O Worm ! Who art thou that in cafes fo unfearchable dareft affect a non pofe upon the Almighty God thus in the dark 1 270. And it is no lefs arrogant in the adverfaries of Scientia Me- dia, fuch as fome of our own, and the Scotifis who dare fay that God cannot know future contingents, but in the predefinition and decrees of his own will. As if we had Peen into all his Powers and Aits, who dwelleth in the unacceffible light, Whereas we know little of the fmalleft of his works. 27 t. And as audaciouíly do the Dominicans plead that God cannot otherwife know our futurefree ads, but by decreeing by immediate iden- tt)3cate premotian, to predetermine them as' the total firft efficient caufe. Nothing can bemore certain than that we know not How God knoweth, whofcarce know Howwe know ourfelves. 272. He that hath read but one half what is faid upon this fubjeél by Zumel, Riga. Gonzal. Fafol. Arrub. Aluiz, Alarcon, Alvarez, Tanner, Ruiz, Greg. Valent. Soar. Malin. Cantarel,AVavar. Curie[. Cabrera, Maf caress. Verde, Fenfeca, Mendez. Le ns, Diotalev. Moncans, Theolog. iVatur. e/Egidius Cenink, Penioottas, Petr. à Se Jofeph, Annates, Twiffe, &c. yea or, but any two Contenders, and is not convinced that they talk prefumptuoufly of things which are unknown above their reach, doth not think reverently enough of God, nor knowingly and humbly enough of man : And he that doth but weigh the difficulties which Du- randas his third opinion cafteth in the way, and doth but try to folve well all pod: à Dolls 2tLeflions, Part I. cap. 9. p. 96,97, &c. and to anfwer well all his arguments againft the ufefulnefs of ScientiaMedia,Part z. and againft the truth of immediate phyfical Predetermination, Part. 3. and againft ldentificate Concurfe (as to evil atl'ions) Part o mayloon find that much of thefe matters are fo faraboveus as to be nothing to us, and un- fit to be thought neceffary to our PeaceandConcord. 273. Theold doéìrine of Gods Previfion, and this de Scientia Media; in all that is within our reach come all tó one: And they erre that hold it to run pari paffu, equally about Good and Evil. God fore-knoweth not evil Ails becaufe he willeth them, or the futurity of them, nor becaufe he decreeth to predetermine the will to the acct in fpecie which is fin: But he willeth to effeftthat which is Good, andmay fo far know it. SECT.