Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

7. Ceteris Paribus many agreed honeft impartial men are more td be be- lieved thanone, or a few oddand fingular perlons, whp haveno more ad- vantage than the reft to know the truth. S. Theyoung and unexperienced owe force Reverence to the judgment of their Seniors, as more credible byage and experience than their own. 9. Accordingly Children to their Parents, and Scholars to their Mafters and Tutors owe fuchbelief as is anfwerable to their difference, and the Life of their learning of them. By this you may feeon the contrary who is not worthyofbelief. I. One that pretendeth Infpiration, Vilion, Revelation, and giveth the hearer no fufñcient proof of it. II. One that pretendeth to tell you things beyond his reach ; as many Philofophers do about themyfleriesof Nature, fpiritual and corporeal; E- lements or mixt bodies, above and below, ofwhich the Books of many are full, andmalignant men, that take on them to tell you other mens hearts, without jrfl proof, that they are hypocrites, and intend that which they never did, or meant ill, when they laid or did well; and when falle Hifto- rians will tell you with what (unproved) illpurpofes or deceits, perlons, a thoufandmiles off, and perhaps a thoufand years pail, whom they never knew, did fay anddoall that is reported of them. III: 'When there are put fem reporters of things pretended to be known publiek,ly in the world , efpecially when more credible perfons contradict them. I Whenthe perfon is deeplyingaged in a Party, and carryingon all for thetntereft of his Party, doth give you but his word, or the report of his own Party-for what he faiths fo thatyou may perceive that interefl byaffeth him to partiality. V. When the Fliflorianfhewethæmalgnant fpirit, that extenuateth or denieth all the good that was in his Adverfaries, and fafleneth on them as much Odium as he can without jufi próof, and juflifieth all the reproach that is ufed againft them. VI. 14hen the Iliílorian liveth fo far off from the place and time, that he is no competent reporter, having all his notice but by the fame of his own Faffion, as uncapable as hienfe.lf. VII. When the lober moderate met] of his own party contradict him, and fpeak well of the Ferfonswhom he reproached]. VIII. When the reporter is manifefilya proud, worldly, wicked, uncon- fcionable man, efpeciallyof a bloody hurtful difpofition : For as Gods three- fold Influence, or the Vnderflanding, Will and Life is but one, fo the De- vil doth ufually vitiate together the Vnderflanding, Will and Life , and he that is from the beginning- an Enemy, and a Murderer, ns alfo a :fyar: Though a micléd,malignant,and cruel man;mayyet have anopinionative faith and knowledge, and preach the truth, when it is for his carnal intereff; yet when his malice and intereft tempteth him againft it, there is no trufiing his word. a a IX. V4'hei