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their Councils abridged. i i 5 §. 45. TheMurders done by Bifhops and Chriftians were fometimes punifhed by Excommunication, but not by Death in thofe profperous times ofthe Church : The Emperour hereupon did banifhnovionus, which his followers took for perfecution; Peter Alex. being dead the Bifhops of Alen. Egypt, and Lybia, fell all intopieces among themfelves, each having their feparate Conventions. The reft ofthe Eaft alto feparated from the Weft, becaufe the Weft would not Communicate with them, unlefs they would Curfe Neflorius ' Eutyches, Diofcorest, Mouses and Acacitu : And yet faith Nicephorus,I. 26. C. 28. ui germani Dioleori Eutychetesfeetatores fare ad Maxim:on paucitatem redialti funt. Xenaias bringeth to Ravin, the Names of Theodore, Theodorite, lbw and others as Neflorianr, and tells him, Ifhe Curfe not all thefe, he is a Nearion; whatever he fay to thecontrary : .Flirvianwas unwilling, but his timerous fellow-Bifhops per- fwaded him, and he wrote his Curfe againft them, and fent it to the tm- perour. Xenaias thenwent farther, and required .him toCurfe the Coun- cil. The IfaurianBifhops were drawn to confent to Anathematize it : The refuters are all renowncedas Neftorians. And thus the Council that Curf- edNeflorists, is Curfed of Nef/orian: TheEutychians perceiving how near they were agreed. After F'avian, oneSevens' got tobeBifhop at Antioch (a fevere Enemy of the Nefiorians,and of the Council.) The firft day when he was got in, he curfed the Council, though 'tis laid that he had fworn to the Emperour that he wouldnot : Niceph. lib.16.cap.29. In Palefline the Condemnation or Ejelion ofFlovianus and Mace& nius renewed their diftraaionsand divifions. About Antioch, Severus grew foearneft, and wrote Inch Letters to the Bifhops under him, asfrighted many againft their Judgements, to Curfe the Council, and thofe thatheld twoNatures, as Hereticks: Some Bifhops flood out and refufed ; fome fled from their Churches for fear. The Ifituri- an Bifhops, when they had yielded, repented, and when they had repent- ed they Condemned Severus, that drove them to fubfcribe. Two ftout Bifhops, Cofmas, and Severianus, fent a Sealed Paper to Severest; and whenhe opened it, he found it was a Condemnation under their Hands. TheEmperour had noticeofit, and he being angry, that they prefumed to Condemn their Patriarchs, fent his Procurator to caft themout oftheir Bifhopricks, (hirnfelf at fait being againft the Council.) The Procurator found the Peoplefo refolute, and bent to Refiftance, in defence of their Bifhops: That he fent word to the Emperour, that thefe two Bifhops couldnot be caft out, without bloud-flied. The Emperour fent him word, that hewouldnot have a dropof blond flied for the bufinefs ; for he did what hedid for peace. §. 46. Helias, Bifhop of yerufalem, found all the otker Churches in fuch Confufion, the Bifhops Condemning one another ; that he would Communicate with none of them, faveEuphemizes of Conflantinople (before his Ejedion)Niceph. c. 3z. The Monks were engaged for the Council by fuch