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their councils abriilcd. § L9. But Vigilius Bithop of Rome, who would not come to theCounctl,now giveth in his Conflitutum, or his own judgment upon the whole Cafe , and that with great moderation. He firft reciteth many paffages of Theodore Mopfuft. which he renounceth ; and he difpraifeth the paffages of Theodora and Ibas,but he refufeth to join in the anathematizingof them, alledging that good men have their errors, and inftancing in manywhofeerrors were noted, and yet their per- Eons not condemned,efpeciallywhen they had either recanted them,or better ex- plained their words : And he noteth that it would be a great injury to the Cal- cedon Council, to have itsown members now thus condemned,that were by them accepted. :[ uid enim aliud ell mendaces am fimulantes profeJonem ret`íæ fidei Patres in fanc`la Calced. Synodo refidentes oftendere , quam dicere aliquos ex eis ftmilia fapufJi Nefloria; quorum judicio Neftoriuna .. ejsfque dogmata fine dam- nata.] And foberly he faith, [ It is not lawful to pats any new judgment on the per- fons of the dead , but we muff leave all men en the cafe that . death found them, and in,l]ecial Theodore. Mopfueít. what theFathers did is evident from what- isPaid ; Idare not condemn him by. my fentence, nor yield that any one elfe condemn him : butfar be it from me to admit his wrong opinions.] This was the right way : If they had all dealt as wifely and Chriítian-like, Counfels had not been the Confounders of the Churches. § a.o. Nicephorus namethmany of Origen's Errors that were condemned in this Council , but it is not found in the Amts. Binnias doubteth not but the Origenills Role them out, and falfified the Records, and alfo forged thole Epiftles of Vigilino, inwhich the opinionof One Operation is afferted. But will they al- low us equally to fufpea fuck Records ashave been kept atRome'? 2 t. What good thisCouncil did, and -how the peaceable Emperor attained the end that Theodore C efar.promifed him, of uniting Diffenters, I !hall tell. you but in the words of Binniva (who followeth Baronies in alined all) " What- " Theodore Ca:far.promifid, that the Eutychian Heretiçks called Hefitants, when "the, three Capitula were condemned, would receive the holyCalcedonCouncil,was " not obtained, when this was ended ; but rather a moll grievous mifchief was ad- " ded to the Church: For when the Defenders of the three Capifula, with Vigilius ee the Pope did not acquiefce in the Councils decree,.the whole Catholick Church was "torn by Schifm; and which is worfe,the Emperorfiir'd up Perfecution, in which á" he depoftd or banJ1:ed Vigilius ( holding to bis Conflitutum) Visor.11fric. and ".others. § z.a,. I do impartiallycommend Vigilius's moderate Conflitutum, but I muff` needs fay that there needeth no other inílance thanVigilino, that Intereft isaLaw' to force Roman Bifhops, and that their pretences of Infallibility , Tradition and Antiquity, notwithítanding they have changed their very Faith, or judgment of Councils at leaít, as their worldly motives changed. Vigiliars firft flattered the Emperor, and joinedwith him againít the tria Capitula, Cow. Calced. that is agatnít Theodore Mopfu.Theodoret and Ibas three Biflnops,faith Binniuo p.6op. "[Seeing therefore that before this Councile Schifm aroje in the Weilern andAfri- ` cane Church, becaufeVigilius had confented to the_Emperor's opinion, it became uece.