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The Contents. greater' than all other Herefies, fubverting Chrifts Oecono- my. The iñftance of the Calcedon peccavimus omnes prevail - eth. 4. 62, 63. A fhrewder doubt railed, Whether all thefe were truly ordained by former Ilereticks (Iconoclafts-) The Popes Vi- car denyeth it. Tarafius durfl not fo unprieft almoft all the Chri- ftian world of the Ea&, and is contrary. By a cunning argument he prevailed; Viz. The Fathers agree among themfelves : Er- go, all the mil are of the fame mind with fome before cited. S. 64. Gregory Bithop of Neocxfaria next recanteth , a Leader of the Iconoclafts. 4. 67. let Tarafius and this Council drf- claim giving Latria to Images of creatures. lea honour them but ar memorative. 4. 67, 7o. The Conflantinopolitan Councils Arguments againft Images. 4. 68. &c. Bread not Tranfubflan- tiate. 4. 72. The two Councils contrary about Tradition of Ima- ges. 4. 73 The Nicene Council curfeth from Chrijt all that are not forfaluting and adoring Images. S. 76. Bithops and Pries made by Magiftrates Elellion , or that ufe the Magiftrate to get the place, are void. ACanon againjt flencing Preachers andfhut- ing up Churches. 4. 77. A fober Council at Horojulium. S. 80. Fcelix Urgelitanus, and Elepandus, condemned, for faying Chrijl was Gods natural Son in the Deity, and his adopted in his Huma- nity. 4. 8x. Claudius Taurinenfis againfl Images. y. 8z. Car. Mag. Book, and the Council of Franckford againft Images. 4. 82., 84. Fcelix and Elepandus condemned, for faying Chrifl was a Ser- vant. 4. 85. The Frankford Council decreeth that Chrift was not a Servant fubjell to God by penal fervitude- 4. 89. Pope Leo's e es put out, and tongue cut out, and reftored, and he madegreat by-Charles theGreat. 4. 92. King the Popes Foot. 4. 93. Irene killeth her fon, and is banifhed her felf 4. 94. Filioque added by the Spaniíh. and French Bifh>ops without the Pope. 4. 96. Ca- rol. Mag. being dead tke People Rebel againit the Pope, till Ludovicus fubdued them. 4. 97. A Council at Conftantinople for the Emperours Adultery : And another againf Plato and Theodorus Studita, that were againft it ; which faith Binnius paged the fentence of Anathema on the whole Catholick-Church. And decreed that Gods Laws can do nothing againfl Kings, nor is any man a Martyr that fuffèreth (as Chryfoftome) fer oppofing them for truth and juflice. 4. 98. A Council at Arles, and another at Tours have goodCanons, One that is for the oldprobition of genu- flexion