Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

Ip The Contents. .new Pope marrieth Mathilsiis to Welpho on condition theÿ nfe not carnal Copulation, 4 94. A jeru-falem expedition caufeth peace at home, Conrade rebelleth again, jt his Father, 494. The Emperour commits Fornication, 4 161, 103. Wrongs onMonday, Wednefday, or Thurfday, no Greach of holypeace : No Bithop or Prieß m«fl(wear or promife Allegiance to a King, nor take Preferment from any Lay-man, 4 104. None to communicate in one kind, 44 IO5. All the Bithops ofEnglandfaveRochefter renounce obedience andfociety with Anfelme Archbifhop of Canterbury, becaufe he would not renounce the Pope, faying, heblafpbemed the King, Jetting up any in his King- dom without his content, 4 106. Time given the King of England to repent, 4 109. The Anti-Pope Clement digg'd up and burnt : Pafchal .. Council Decree that all Bithops ofthe Henrician Heretic (Loy.ales) ifalive be depofèd, ifdead, dig,g d up and burnt (that is, mot of the Weftern Bifhops,) 4 iiz. The Schifm continued, 4113, The Popefet upyoung Henry againß his Father, who taketh him Pri- foner to the death : He keeps his Fathers Corps fiveyears unburied, becaufe Excommunicate. letproveth Hereticus Henricianus,Im- prifoneth the Pope till hegrant him Inveftitures. ThePope abfolveth himfelf, 4114, 115. Cafes on Binnius, 4 116. Note that Inveßi- tures fuppofed the People and Clergies free choice of Bithops, 4 117. The Bithopsufage ofoldHenry to thelaß, 4 r18. , To take the Popes Excommunications as not obligatory is a Herefie,4 i i9.The dangerous Doctrine of FluentiusBithopofFlorence(that Anti-Chri/i was come) 120. Only the Church made Henry rebell, 41 zi,1zz.Tybur colour- edwith blond : The Earl ofMillans Flefhgiven to Dogs : The Popes facramental Covestont broken, 44 1z7. God will have no involuntary fervice, 4 1z9. Thefame is a Hentician Herefie inothers whichis none in the Pope, 4 132.. Hemayforfwearfor the PeopleofGod.. 413a. Two Popes contending andexcommunicating : The Emperour giveth up Inveßitures, 4 14.5 to 138. Four Doctrines of Guilb. Porretane condemned in Council; 1. That DiVinitas andDeus are not thefame (in figniication c) z. That the three herfòns are not unum aliquid : 3. That there are eternal Relations betides the Perlons : 4 That it was not the Divine Nature that was incarnate. Two more Popes, 4 138, 542.. A Preacher murdered at Rome, 4 144. Two more Popes, thefucce on from the wrong, 4145. Th.eyfight for it, 4 146, pÏow Clergy andPeoplefrß loft their Votes in choice of Popes, 4 147, Two Popesßillßriving, 4149, &c, Many Caßles in England built Gy