Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

their Councils abridged. were not very common, no doubt but there were many that wrote not Books, nor came fo much into the notice of theworld, but avoided con- tentious and factiousStirs, that quietly and honeftly concluded the Flocks in the ways of piety, love, and justice. And fomeofthem (as S. Martin) feparated from theCouncils and Communion of the prevailing turbulent fort of the Prelates, to lignifie their difowning of their fins. VI. And oft times, whenthe Prelates were at the wont, God raifed up force very Godly Princes, that maintained Religion more than the Clergy, and were an honour to itwhen the Bi(hops difhonoured it. VII. And it is not tobe contemned, that muchpietywas kept up among great numbers of Chriftians, whom (for forcemistake) the reft reviled and condemned asSchifmaticks or Hereticks. Little knowwehowmany holy fouls were among thofe that are in Epiphanius Catalogue. Of the Audians and force others he feemeth to confefs as much himfelf. The Novatians weretolerated in almoft all the Empire,and had their Churches and Bithops, having the teftimory of the Orthodox that they were ufually of found faith and upright lives, and ftri&er thanother Chriftians were. And God pardoneth the infirmity of a fmall miftake in judgment, when men are fin- cerely addi&ed to his fervice. Now and then a cruel Prelate did pro- fecute them, but fo did not the gentler fort (as Atticus, Proclus, &c. at Gonflantinople, a c.) nor the E.mperours themfelves , fave when fo infti- gated. VIII. And though the Churchesin the Roman Empire kept up this gran- dure ofPatriarchs, Metropolitans, and rich Prelates, that after over-top. ped Kings, it was not fo in other parts of the Chriftian world, but the Clergy lived morehumbly and quietly. The Scots under Ceiumbanus and See Mr. their other Presbyters, long lived ingreat piety without any Bithops. And Pones when the Scots Presbyters Finan, Aidan, &c. ordained Bifhops in Nor_Heart: So.- thumberland, they werecommonly humble, holy men, like them.felves. `Ueratgu And both Scots andBritains fo muchmifliked theRomane_ randureand wa excenemr g y ly deícrib-. that when Augufline theMonk camein, they would not fubjed themfelves ing the to the Pope, or any Foreign Prelates, nor fo much as eat and drink with Engltfh the Miffionaries. And the like we may fay of force other Extra-imperial SucceITi_ Churches. The Spaniards themfelves not only while Arian Goths (of on. whom fee the testimony of Salvian, to the (name of the Orthodox) but after Recaredus days, for many ages, lived in great quietness , while Italy, France, and Germany were employed in Hereticating, Curfing, Excom- municating, orbloudy Wars. The great Empire of Abaffia (as the cre.- dibleft Hiltory faith) never had Bifhops to this day, but only one called the Abuna, while the whole Clergy are exercifed (though in too much ig- norance) in their Prieftly Office. Brdcardue, that -lived at ycrufalem, te- ftifieth that thofe Eastern Chriftians, called by the Papills, Nejiorians, 7a- cobires, Eutychians, were commonly plain honest Religious people, free from Heretic, andof better lives thaneven the Religious of the Church of Rome, and that there were not worfe men at ferufalem than the Roma D Ca `?