Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

38 Church-1100y of BiJhops and retieks Baptized, who corrupted the fubftance of baptifrne it felf, but not others. And Chriftians at firft hadmore wit and charity than tocall every errour a Heretic, (elfe there hadbeen none but Hereticks:) fuck as denyed fome effentiai point of faith or praftice, and drew a party to maintain it, were called Hereticks in the former times ; but afterward every Schifm or Party that gathered by themfelves, and fet up altare contraaltare upon the fmaIIeft difference, was calleda Heretic. And fo the fame name applyed to another thing, deceived them. The Bithops were men of eminent piety andworth. S. 34. XIII. Anno 263. They fay therewas a Council at Rome to clear Dionyfus Alexand. of the imputationofHerefte, occafioned by fotne doubt- ful words whichhe wrote againft Sabellius. §. 3 5. XIV. Anno 266. They fay there was another at Antioch againft their Bifhop Paulus Samofatenus, a grofs Heretick: But he renounced his er- rout in words, and for that time kept his place. 3 6. XV. Paulus returning to his Herefie and abad life, Anno 2.72. an- other Council at Antioch depofed him; but hewould not goout of the Bi- Ihopshoule, and the Emperour Aureliana Heathen put him out.- §. 37. XVI. Anno 3o3. Thenext Council was at arm inNumidia, Se cundusTigifaeanus beingchiefand calling them. Here Secandus accufed the Bithops one byone asTraditors (delivering the facred books to beburnt in perfècutionto fave themfelves, which was then judged perfidioufnefs.) The hilltops partly excufed , partly confeflcd ir, and asked pardon; Till at Intl Secundas ready to judge them, accufed aBilhopParpureia ofmur- dering his own Sifters Sons : -who told him that he fhould not think to terri_ fiehim as he had done the reft ; He hrd I f led; and would kill thofe that make againft him and asked him whether he hadnot been a Traditorhim - feif, and b:ginning to evince ir, bid him not provoke him to tell the reiF WhereuponSecundas his Nephew told hisFluide, You fee that he is ready to departand makea Schifm,andnot he onlybut all the reft,and youhear what they fay:againft you : And then they will joyn and pats fentence on you, and foyou will remain the onlyHeretick (Kereticatingwent then by the Vote.) Secrtidttr was nonpitsit, and askt twoothers, what it was belt to do ? And they agreed to leevéthem all ro God, and fo the Bithops kept their places. Aupftisr. cont. Cre(con41. 3. c. 26, 27. 3. 33: XVII. Next they deliver us CVcjìliurn SitusefJ'oaam, whether true or forged is too hard a controverfie. It was of three hundred Bithops (how big were their Dioceff s think youabove our Parifhes?) who all camefecret- ly together to a Town nowunknown, and met in a Cave thatwould hold but 5o at a time, for fear of perfecution : The bufinefs was to Convilt Pope Mrrceltimts of idolatry,for offering Sacrifice to Hercules;, upiter, and Saturn: which he coufef d., §. 39. XVIII. Auno 3o5. Was held a Council of 19 Bifnops at LTGberir hp u : whereamany good things were agreedon: But not 'only to the out 3. °peg . .te o her heinous crimes they denycd Communion to