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their Councils abridged. that thofe Diffentersmuff becalled Hereticks, as was too ufual. And fee_ ing they lived inthe Country where many Councils under Agrippinus and And nó Cyprian,and Firmilian,hadvoted that Hereticks were not oftheChurch,and General that theyhad baptized, were to be rebaptized; they thought that Couneif they did but keep up this Tradition ; and fo they faid that theywere all ba judg- the Churchof Africa, andthat the Cecilians were Hereticks and Separatiffì g tt from the Church, and that all that they baptized were to be rebaptized, there, had as was formerly held. So that indeed the Donarifls did but as the Papifls, been none. and their worldly Clergy flill have done, who take the advantage ofa majority to call themfelves the Church and Catholiks , and to call the DiffentersSchifmaticks and Hereticks, fave that they added Cyprian's rebap. tizing. And when it was for their advantage they communicated 4o years withTraditors; butwhen the power of theCourt and theBifh.ofRome bore them down,they kept up their party by pretended ftriftnefs,and reproach- ing the others as aSea,and as Heretical and perfecuters of the Church. So that it was the Multitudes andCouncils ofthePrelates that fet upDonarifm. §. 44. XXIII. The next was an. 314. at Ancyra in Galatia of eighteen Bithops, who met to determine howmany years the Lapfed fhould repent (or do penance) before theywere admitted to Communion. Can. r 7. for- bad thofe;that were ordained Bishops to anypeople and werenot accepted by the Parish towhich they were ordained, to thruft themfelves on other Parilhes, or raife Sedition, but allowed them to continue Presbyters. Can. at . Wilful Murderers were to communicateat laft only. §45. XXIV . The Churches having now peaceunder Conflamine aCouncil of r 3 Bifhops that had beenbefore molt atAncyra met atNeocefarea, but the fmall number did better work than many greater Councils did, making force good Canons against Adultery andFornication;Though the 7thCan. that forbids Priefts to dineat the fecond Marriages of any, becaufe fuch muff repent, be of doubtful fenfe and truth : TheEll Can. is against Priefts marrying and Fornication. The lait, that the number of Deacons mull be jolt feven, be the City never fo big. S. 46. XXV. Next a Roman Council is mentioned by Binnius p. 279. for a Conference with ,Yews before Conflantine, but he faith the Aft s that now are extant are full of falfehoods. §. 47. XXVI. An. 315. They place us a Council at Alexandria in which Alexander, withmany Bithops, condemned Eufebius Nicomed. with .Ariusand that the tell adhered to them, efpecially as holding that Chrift was not Eternal, but was a Creature that had a beginning, and that the Wifdomand Word ofGod was not the Son, butmade the Son. ß.4S. XXVII. Another Council at Alexand.'they tell us of, against the Arians, and the Meletian Schifmaticks: but theAfts are not known. To this is annexed an Epiftle ofConflantine toAlexander andArius,record- ed by Eufeb. Cefar in vita Conflant. inwhich Conflanrine chideth them both for their Contention, and feemeth to take the Queftion for unfearchable and to be dìfputed,faying,"I underftand that the foundationoftheContro- G " verfie 4