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4:0 Chzarc%-Hiftòry of Bebops ami §. 42. XXI. Anno 3a 3. The Schifm continuing, the Donatifts cleaving to Majorinus, appealed againft Caciliaa toConflantine (now Emperour.) He fiat appointeth three French Bifhops to judge the Caufe, but after 19 Bifhops (called a Roman Council) met at Rome to hear bothParties : where Melchiaaes and the reft acquitted Cecilimms, and condemned Donatuá á =Calls nigris (a promoter of the Donal-ills Caufe) asguilty of Schifm. But the .Donarifls accuing Melchiadesalto "as aTraditor, the Schifmwas never -the more ended : A motion was made that both the Bifhops Ihould remove ,(Cacilianns and Najorirus) to end the Schifine ; But the Donatift Bifhops were fo very many in number, that they thought they were to be .called theChurch, and the Cacilianifts th eSchifmaticks, and therefore would not fo agree. Thus Bifhops about Bifhopricks fet all the Country on a .flame. § 43. XXII. Next confjantine wouldhear the Caufe of theí-econtending eilhopsat a Council at Arles in France, (before zooBifhops at leafl)where Caciliaaiuwas again acquitted, and the DonatiftBifhops caft,bÿ the witnefs of their Scribe Ingenrùis, who (being racked) confefled that he was hired togive falfe witnefs in the Cafe. Several goodCanons were here made for ChurchOrder. §. 44. I have heard many Popifh Perfons liken the.Separatifts among us to the Donetifls : But fo unlike them are they, That, s. The. Paid Sepa- ratifts are againfh all Epifcopacy., but the Donatifts were Bifhops, and contended for the higlieft PIaces of Prelacy. z. The Separatifls are con - fetfedly a Minor Part departing from the Major Part. But the Donatifts were the Major Part of the Bifhops calling out the Minor Part as Delin- quents. The Truth is,in thofe times theBifhops being ufually in contention and Church-Wars among themfelves, (elpecially when Conftantine had given them peace and profperity,) the ftrife was, Who Mould get the better, and have their will : 1. Sometime the ftrife was about Opini- ons, who was in the right, and to be called Orthodox, andwho was to be accdunted the Heretick. z. The other part quarrel who should be ,the Bithop, or who thould have the higheftplaces. 3. And the next quar- rel was whofe fide thould carry it in letting up any Bilhops, or in judg- ing and depofing them, and who fhould have their Heads or Friends brought in. And the way to get the better, was, r. At the firfl, by the majority of the ,peoples Votes in chufing Bifhops, and of the Bifhops in depofing them. 2. But after, moll went in .chufing and depofing by the majority of the Bishops Votes in the greater Seats, (the peoples con- lent íH11 required,) at leafl if a Council did interpofe. 3. And at Taft, it went by the favour or difpleafure of the Court ; either the Empèrour, or the Emprels, or force great Officers. The African Bithops it feems were far the greateft number againft Cecilian, ( when 270 met at one Council; and M:ichiades Council at Rome had hut 1p, and that at .IRiEe- aeis so, and that at Ancyra 18 Bifhops.) Therefore the Bifhops thought £bat majority of number gave :them right to theTitle of Catholicks, , and