Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(66) mifiaker may introduce real, or the Verbal and the Real are not by ali difcerned afon4er, and left any think Imake agreater matter of any terms or Notions ofmy oWn,then indeed Ido, I will fay fometh;nF of my judgement about the very terms which there isfo muchfirLfe about in the Churches. SECT. I V. Ofthe Verbal Differences. 4o T, ,--rHere is fo great Ambiguity in the term works, that I think it occafionethmuch ofour contentions.: Byworks may be meant in general,any good action : or 2.More fpecially, fuch acti- ons as a Workman doth for his wages, making it Debt, for the be- nefit that may redound thereby to another, by way ofcommuta- tive Juitice. 3.0r elfe for perfeel obedience according to the Law of Nature as made to perfeft man in innocency 4. Or for the doing of the task of fervices in zi4ofes Law, in themfelves confi- dered ; which was fpecially called Works. r. Becaufe of the la- borious, external, endlefs task of duty which it contained : and 2. Becaufe of the coitlinefs ofthe Sacrifices, in whole value they much trufted. 3. Becaufe ofGods own inftitution of them, which ( miitaking the end ) they the more confided in. S. For Aftions which are conceited Meritorious ( when indeed they are not, ) though not upon the terms of commutative Juftice, yet ofdiftri- butive. 6. For any aftionwhich is done more for anothers good then our own : Either, when men conceit they advantage God, or when they help men. Eipecially when they are cooly actions : as giving to the poor building Alms-houfes, Colledges,Churehes, &c. 7. For fincere obedience to the Lord that bought us, ac- cording to the gracious terms of the Gofpel 8. ''or the External part ot-this obedimce, diftinci from Love, Trull, &c. And per- haps there may yet more fences be remembred. Concerning this I lay down thefe Propofitions. Taa' never took Works in the &ft fence, fo as to exclude them from being conditions of jnftification : For then he fhould ' have excludedFaith and Repentance. 2. Nor