Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(9) ( that they might get the honorable Title of the Proteftant formed Religion put upon their Opinions) I (hall tell you what it is that I mean by Antinomianifm.. 4. Becaufe they contend fo, much for juffification before faith, and that juffification by faith is but in faroConfcientice, or terminated in Confcience I (hall give my Reaftins againft both thole Affertions. 5. I than fhew bowmodeftly Mr.Eyre, and Mr. Crandon do aver that the Papifts (yea none of the Papifis)give no more to Works or Merits then,I. 6. I than prove that I am not fo fingular, as is fuppofed, and that I do give no more to Works, then the Reformed Churches* and Divines ordinarily do ;; by a large recital of their own words.. And in the performancesofthefe fix things lyes all the fatisfaftioa that I yet underftand my felfable to give to thole that are offend- . ed : Suppofing what I have raid inthe Preface. CHAP. true Confefsion of my Faith. SECT. I. DEcaufeMr.Crandon is pleated through hisBook to affirmwith fuch confidence that I do fubtilly equivocate and diffemble my judgement, hiding the worft, and meaning one thingwhen I (peak another, and fo leaves me uncapable by any Profeflion,Pro- teftationsor Oaths, offatisfying any who are ofhis mind; and as audacioufly arrogate the Prerogative of God, in knowing and judging the heart ofman, even againft his own Profeffions ; that! therefore premife only this general profeffion to them who will believe it, and they that will not may choofe. I Will never worfbip and ferve that God,that I do not believe to beable and willing to bear meout in hisfervice ; and fave me harmlefr, and fee that I be no bier by my awning him and his will. The god Whom I ferve 4011 /tare is both able andWilling. I will never ferve a God that Ihave catift S. fie