Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

'(1 2) nd'happinefs, under the wrathofGod, the cafeof his Law, and the power of the Devil, God fo loved the world, that he gave his only Son tobe their Redeemer, whobeing God,andone with the Father,did take tohim our nature, and became man, being conceived of the 'Holy Ghoft in theVirgin Mary, and born of her, and named jefus Chrift ; andhaving livedon earth without lin,andwrought many Miracles for a witnefs ofhis truth, lie gaveup hirrifelf a Sacrifice forour fins, and a Ranfom for tts, in fufferingdeath on the Crofs : and being Buri ed, heRofe again the, and afterwaid afcended into heaven, where he is Lordof all in Glory with-the Father : Andhaving Ordained that all that trulyRepent aricl,Believeinhitn, and love him above all things, and fincerely obeyhim, and thattothe death, fhall be laved, ancithey that will not fnallbe damned, and commanded his Minifters to Preach the Gofpel to the world; he will come again and raife the bodies of all men from death, and will Judge all men according to what theyhave done in the body ; and the Righteous fhall go into life Eternal, and the refit intoeverlafting punifhment, I believe that God theHoly Ghoft, the Spirit of the *c)r'fa"dihe Father and the Son, was fent from the Father by the Son] yoa San, :to Infpire and Guide the Prophets and Apoftles, thatthey. might fully reveal the Doasineof Chrift : and by multitudes of evident Miracles and wonderful gifts, tobe the great witnefsof Chrift and of the truth of his holy word, and alfo to dwell and work in all that are drawn to believe, ,that'being firft joyned to Chrift their Head, and intoone Church,which is his body, and fopar- clonedand made the fons,of ,God, they may be a pecu- iar people fan6tifiedto 'Chrift and may mortifie the ilefh, and overcometheworld and ;the:Devil, andbeing .iealousof good works, ,naay:ferve GodinHolinefs and Itighte-