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By the Crofs of Chrill. 6i udgement and Hell thall plague the Idolaror, for he bath Re- folved that he will not givehis glory to another, Ifa. 42.8. e 48. t t. All fin is hateful co God, and none but the cleanfed per- feâ foul (hall fiand before him in the prefence of his glory ; nor any in whom iniquity bath dominion (hall ftand accepted in the prefenceof his Grace But yet no particular fin is fo hate- ful( to him as Idolatry is. For this is notonly a trefpafling againft his Laws, but adifclaiming or reje&ing his very Soveraignty it felf. To give a Prince unreverent language, and to break his Laws, is punifhable ; but to pull him out of iris throne , and let up a fcullion in it , and give him the honour and obedience of a King, this is another kind of matter, and much more intollerable. The firft Commandment is not like the refs , which require only obedience to particular Laws in a particular ar ion but it ef}ablifheth the very Relations of,overaign and Subjeâ, and re- quires a confiant acknowledgment of there relations, and masks it highTreafon again(! the (Jod of heaven in any that (hall vio- late that command. Every Crime is not Treafon : Its one thing to mifcarry in a particular cafe, and another thing, to have other Gods before and betides the Lord, the only God. Now this is the finof every worldling r He bath taken down God from the throne in his own foul and fet up the fefh and the world in his Read ; Thefe be valueth , and magnifieth, and delighteth in : Thefehave his very heart, whileGod that made it'and redeemed him, is fet light by. And do you chink that this is a fin to be en- dured ? It is a more horrid thing to with that God were not God, then to with that Heaven andEarth were deftroyed or turned again to Nothing. He that would kill a man deferveth death What then deferveth he that would defiroy all the world ? that would pull the Sun out of the firmament, or fet all the world on fire, if it were in his power ? Yet is not all this fo bad as towifb that God fhould lofe his God-head : And what lefs doch that man do that would have his prerogativegiven to the creature ? and fowould have the creature to be God' ? If God benot the chief Good he is not God,- And if he be not chiefly to bechewed and loved,he is not the chief Good. What - then Both that man do, but deny God to be God , that denyeth him his higheft efteem and love ? And certainly he that giveth it to any creature, denyeth it to God. For there. can be but 13 one.: