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Ì3y the Croft cf Chrijl. 107 Vert i9, 2o. God will not (loop to be an underling in your hearts. He fhould have á1I, and will at la/t have all or none : But in the mean time, hewill have the Be)? or none. I do wlcnefs here to every foul of you in his name, that if he have not the Soveraignty, andbe not nearer and dearer to your hearts , then all the honours, and riches, and pleafures of the world, he is not, Le will not be , he cannot 'be .our God. And if he benot thy God, thou wilt be Godlefs, as thou art ungodly thou wilt b without his help,as he was without thy heart. Well, this is the fiat Article of my charge againt} every one of you that bath not Crucified the world you are Idolators and Traytors against the God of Heaven : And he that would have noGod, deferves tobe no man,>nd worfe ; and (}.Hall either by Repentance withwith groans that he had never been a worldling and a neglecter of God, or die in Hell with groans fhail with that he had never been a man. As the fir{t Commandment is the fundamental Law, and informed: all the obligations of the particular precepts following; fo Idolatry which is againtt that Commandment is the fundamental crime, and is the life of all the refl. He that would overthrow the God-head, would over- throw all the world. 2. The next Article of my charge is this. You are guiltyof mot} perfidious Covenant breakingwith God. Did you not in your Baptifm, folemnly by your parents , Renounce the world , the flefhand the Devil, and promife to fight againâ them to the end of your life under theBanner of Chri(D? And have you per- formedthat vow ? No : you have turned treacheroufly to the enemy that you renounced , and fought for the worldand the Beth , again(t the Word and the Spirit of Chrift. And if you renounce your fiaptitmal Covenant, you renounce in effeâthe benefits of that Covenant. And if God deal with you as with PerfidiousCovenant-breakers, thank your felves. 3. Moreover you are guilty of debating your humane na- ture, and foof wrongingGod that made it,and is the owner of it. God madeyou. not as bruits , that are capable ofno higher things then to ear, anddrink, and play, and die , and theres an end of them : But he made you capable of an Everlafting life of Glorywith himfelr And as he fuiteth all his, works to their cafes and ends, fo did he fuit the nature of man to his immortal P z ftate.