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106 TheCrucifying of the world, thee, thou fhalt benone of his child. And, wretched foul, whir wile thou do without him I I t is he that keeps thy foul in thy bo- dy while thou art ferving his enemy. Thou wouldft be in Hell within this hour if his Mercy did not keep thee our. And is this thy requital of him ? He bath but one Trinity of enemies, the flefh, the world, and the Devil ; and wilt thou turn to thefe,and forfake him by whom thou liveft ? Why I tell thee the Lord mutt be thy God, or thou muff haveno God indeed. The world is like the Heathens Idols ; that hath eyes but cannot fee thy wants; ears, but cannot hear thy cries ; hands, but cannot help thee in thy dftrefs. All thy Riches, Dignities, and natures, are filly things tomake a Godof. They may have the room ofGod in thy heart; and in that fenfe be thy God : but indeed they are no more God, then a mawkin is a man ; nor no more able to help and fave thee. Wouldfl thou then have a God or no God ? If thou wouidfl have no God, thou would ft have no Helper, no Governor, no Preferver.. nor no Happinefs. And dolt thou think that thouart fufficient for thy feif ? What 1 Cana thou ive a daywithout God ? Canft thou Pave thy feif from danger with- out him ? Canft thou relieve or fhift for thy feif at death with- out him ? Dareft thou tell him fo to his face ? and {land to it ? But if thoumull have a God , what God would(} thou have'? Wouldit not thou have a God that can preferve, and help, and fave thee ? The worldcannot do it, man I I fhall cell thee more of this anon, that the world cannot do it. If thou truft to it, it will deceive thee. But if thou fay then, the Lord ¡ball be thy God] Away then with all thy Idols. God will have no partner, much lets a fuperiour , that is exalted above himfelf in thy fou!. As 7ofhua laid to the Ifraelites , fofb. 24. 14. fo fay I to you , [NoW therefore fear ¡he Lord, and ferve h nr infincerity and in truth, andput away the world (which bath beenyaurGod) and ferveye the Lord : ' ndif it feern evil to you ro ferve the Lord , choofe you ibis day *horn ye willferve: bat ae for me and my bottle wewill ferve the Lord.] And if you fay as they [ God forbid that We' Aouldfcrfake the Lord toferve other Gods.] I anfwer you, as he, Away then with the world andall other Idols ; or elfe L re cannot f rve the Lord for he is anholy andajealctti God, acrdwill not forgivefuck tranfrefsion. andfns ; bat ifye forfake the Lord andfervetheWorld he will turn a ai rft you andconfunneyou ,1 herf, A