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The Preface keepyourguilty fouls,from the place that you have herebeen purchafrig by yair Mammon Sic metit Grandia cum parvis non exorabilis auro. If this beyour Wealth, and Honour, and Delight, the Lord deliver mefrom fuch a felicity Iitæc alai capiunt; liccat mini pauperecultu Securo, chard nutnine poire frui. For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he bathgained, (or fcraped together , as the Hebrewmay be turned) when God (halls take (or pull) away his foul e . ob z7. 8. [ The triumphing (or praire) of the wicked is fhort , (or but at hand) and the joy of the hypocrite is but fora moment, Job 20. 5,. Tea one would think that the very troubles and(mart that in this life accompanyeth your wealth and honour , in the getting andkeeping, and the gripes of confcfence, that the fore-thoughts of theparting hour, and your heavy reckon- ing, mufî needs mixwith allyour pleafare and vainglory , unlefs you have laid afleep your writs ; befides your experi- ence of the emptinefs anddeceit of all thatyou have over- valued ; Ifay, one wouldthink that this much fhould fame- what allay 'oar thirf , and calm your minds, andmake you thinkof a better treafsre. Sure I am that God would do ten thoufandfoldmorefor you, -a rd be better to you ; andyet be- caufe ofcome fle(hl y arguments , you are turned awayfront him. He cannot be thus loved, and delighted in, and fought, andyet he_offerethmore for you,gt, en the world dash. .SaithAugu(tine, Eccemundns turbat, 3t amatur ; quid áì, tranquillus effet formofo gaomodohitreres , qui lic .