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fcribed thus by the Ph;lofopher, is kept at Cyrene carefully in the Church to thisdy, to bePeen of fisch as 4 de/ire it. Though wehave a fureWord of Promife, futïcient for us to build our Hopes on, yet I thought it not wholely unprofitable, to cite this one Hiftory from fo credible Antiquity, that the Works of God may be had in remembrance. Though if any be caullefly incredu- lous, there are furer Arguments that we have ready at hand toconvince himby. tlffitVM iMttAWMfftM BLeffed are the merciful : for they (hall obtainMercy Mat. 5.7. ReadMat. 6. 19. to the end of the Chapter. Not everyone that faithunto meLord , Lord , fhall enter into the Kingdomof Heaven ; but he that doth the will of my Father which is in Heaven , Matth. 7. 2I. Whofoever heareth there fayings of mine and doth them, I will Iiken him to a wife man that built his hoúfe uponaRock, &c. Mat. 7.24. Let your Light fo thine before men, that they may fee your Good Works, and Glorifie your Father which is in Heaven, Mat. 5. 16. I have (hewed you all things, how that fo Labouring ye ought to fupport theweak:' and to remember the wordsof the Lord Jefus, howhe faid, it is more bleffed togive then toreceive, Aft. 20.3 5. (g 3) Give