Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

rio3] . fent to refloie them, without more reafon than we hear. And the Canon enumerating the Ornaments now, we fiippofe the ad- dition ofall thofe will Contradiá. it. 3. We meet with few Conformifls that know what was then in ufe. And we fee that all thofe that Subfcribe- or Confent to this, yet ufe them not. And we will not run for Company in- toa folemn Covenant Content, to the ufe of thofe things that we fee no body ufe. The fecond year of KingEdw. 6. was the mino- rity of the Reformation, and before we confent to make it our pattern, we muff know what it was , and whether no At of Parliament have fince reverfed that which then was. ufed? Chap. XXI. Point XVIII. Of giving an Account to the Ordinary of all that we keep from the Sacrament, that he may Proceed againf them, according to the Canons. L. V Vriry cannot you Approve of, and Confent to this ? M. For many and great Reafons. I. From the Ordinary. 2 From our Selves and our-Miniflry. 3.. From the People.. 4. From the Church. 5. From the Nature of the Matter. L. I. What have you againft it from the Ordinary. M I told you before that, r. Some ofthe Ordinaries are Lay- Men, fitting inCorners to Decree Excommunications and Able- lutions, proper to the Clergy. And we ought not to corifent to the guilt of this. z. Other Ordinaries are fingle Presbyters that have no Power' of theKeys from Chrift over their Brethren and over a multi- tude of Churches. 3. Other of the Ordinaries are Diocefans over Hundreds of Churches that have no Bishops of their own under tltele. And weought not to ownany of all thefe. L. II. What Reafons have you from your fclves ? Al. Ifwe fhould accule to the Ordinaries all that we ought to keep away, it will utterly defiroy our Miniflry. r . We are bound to keep away all that delire not Epilcopal Confirmation. 2. Ali Ignorant Perlons that are unready to be Confirmed. 3. All Athen*s,' Infidels, Hereticks, fcandalous Sinners, and that 'live in malice to others (much more to the generalityof Godly Men.) 4. All