Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

[140] L. Iprayyou let us end this tender Controverfy. M. I have yet a few more doubts to be refolved. Politicks being the Foundation of furis-prudentia, I doubt not but you have fludied Politicks : I pray you tell me why all Poli- ticks placing a Republick in the predicament of Relation, do, make the bonny publicum to be its eflential terminus in the defi- nition. L. Becaufe it isfo indeed ; it being no Civitas or Refpublica that isnot for the Common good ; and therefore they make, it thediffer- ence between a King and a Tyrant, that a King ruleth for the Com- mon good, anda Tyrantfor his private Ends and Interefls. M. But by your leave I think that d.iflintion ill and dange- roufly uttered : For every man hath fome culpable felfifhnefs; and alto the Kings Self-interefl is Lawfully intended : For Com- monwealths called Kingdoms being at firfl Conflituted by Con- trail, no doubt there was neceflary the Confent,of both theCon- tradingParties : None can be King againft his Will. And db you think any Man would take a Crownonly for the good of o- thers, without fecurity for his own juft Interefl, Honour and Prerogative, without which he cannot well Govern ? Therefore J think that thofe Politicks too loofly defcribe Tyranny, by fell: intere /, and canprove no man a proper Tyrant in Exercïtio (di- ílindï from anUfurper) but him that Peeks the deftruaion of the Commonwealth, whole good he is bound to preferve. But I further ask you, Doyou think the Lawof Man, or a Commiffion can abrogate the LawofNature ? L. No Man ever affirmed it : For the Law of Nhtur'e is Gods Law ; yea hisfirti andmolt Fundamental Law. M. I will not deny it as to the fiable Laws of Nature, tho' I think that Nature it felf hath force mutable Laws, where the Natureof the matter is mutable. But then I would further know, whether to defend the Life of your felf, Wife or Children a- gainfl injurious Afl'ault be any part of the Law of Na- ture. L. Experience refolveth that; what Man will not defend his Life that can ? yea what Beall, or Bird, even the moll harmlefs will not at/e. fuch weapons as Nature bath given them, Horns, Feet', Teeth, &C. M. But