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(4) minfter-Hail. 6. And how much intereft can byas -mens judg- ments, common experience too eafily tells us : They that are uppermoft feldomwant applauders, nor dejeâed men accufers. Every School-boy can tell youout of Ovid. de Trio-. Dum fueris fcrlix multos numerabis ámicos : Nu1,1us ad amiffas ibis amicus opes. Afpicis ut veniunt ad candida tea-a Columba : Accipiet nullasfor- dida turris aves. A few ferious Believers that look for a more righteous and important judgment after death, do not lofe the treafure of Truth and Innocency in Shipwrack, it beingas near them as themfelves : But catera fortune non mea turba f.iít. L. But if there be no caufe, how come you to be fo odious to others ? M If you that dwell in England cannot anfwer that your fell, when you have taken a Purvey of the quality and lifes of them that hate us, and them that they hate, and of their diftit4d in- terefts and motives, I will not anfwer it toyou ? L. But whence is it that Clergy-men of the fame Profeffion fo much difagree ? M. The former anfwer (hall ferve to this : Whence is it that the Clergy by difagreement about Opinions and Superiority have broken the whole Chriftian World into that ftate of doleful divi fion, in which in Afia, Africa andEurope, it Iyeth to this day? If you know not read theHiftoryof the Church. L. Whichpart ofyou foever is guilty, the guilt muff needs be very hainous, when the Preachers of the Cofpel of Love andPeace, fo hate each other, and perfwade all to do the like, and will not let the Worldbe quiet. M. No doubt but Love and Concord are fogreat Duties and Bleffìngs, and there is fo muchof Satan in the contrary, that you canhardly aggravate the guilt too much. If it were better for that man that offendeth or ftumbleth one of the leaft, that he had never been born, or he had been call with a millfione about his fleck into the Sea ; what a cafe are thefe Church Paftors in that tear the Church, and Preach down Love, and harden thoufands in Ungodlinefs and Cruelty, and endanger the lofs of Religion to theLand. L. If I knewwhich of you had done mof for Love and Peace, and haft again{ft them , I fhould know to whom to impute our troubles. M. We