Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

iì rR 14, becaufe neceífary to Concord , and commanded thous mìfia kingly. XXII. We never held it unlawful to joyn with a Church or Minifter that bath forne faults, both Perfonal and in their acts of Worlhip ; as if all that joyned were guilty of all the faults there committed : Nonot though we knew before hand that forne falle Do&rive would beuttered, or fault committed Elfe we muff fèparate from all the world, andall from us. XXIII. We never thought it a duty to feparate from every Church, that culpably neglecdeth Difcipline, and hath open wick- ed men therein : If we benot guilty of it, and cannot lawfully 'live in the Communionof a more obedient reformed Church. XXIV. We never judged needlefs affeéied fingularity a duty, but judge it belt in lawful things for Concord fake to Conform to the cuftomof the Churches where we live or come. XXV. Thoughwe think not that men may command us to de- ftroy our Neighbours Souls by fcandal, yet when difobedience to a Rulers Law is like to do more hurt than the fcandal taken at it comes to, weare for avoiding the greater hurt. XXVI. We never lèparated from any tolerable Parilh Mini- fers or Churches, as if they were no true Minifters or Churches, nor perfwaded any fo to do, nor to take the Communion of filch Churches for unlawful to us, either octagonally or conifantly, when wecan have no better without more hurt than benefit to our felves and others. XXVII. Wehold it unlawful to reproach all Churches that we fee to be faulty ; but it is our duty to keep peace with all. XXVIII. VVe hold mental diftant Communion in Faith and Love, with many Churches that by impofing fin do deny us local Communion. XXIX. Though I here tell you once for alI, that I juftifie not all that I can thus bear with, yet we can fubmit by peaceable fence to many abufes in a Church, which we dare not fúbícribe toand approve, and ufe alfo paflive Obedience where active is unlawful. XXX. VVe are not againft God Fathers and God Mothers, as ufed of old ; that is, when the Parents are the Covenanters for their Child, and their Death or Apoftafe is feared, for others to promife if they dye or apoltatize to takecare of the Child i or for