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1$ ) for any Adopters or Owners to do it that take the Child as theirs. XXXI. VVe are fofar from being againfl true confirmation, as it is the taking perfons that own, their Baptifmal Covenant, fo- lemnly into the number of adult Members and Communicants, that we delire it (and have written for it) as a chief means of the true Reformationof all our Churches in the Land. XXXII. VVe differ not in Faith or meer DoElrine from the Church of England, as it's in the Thirty Nine Articles, but only, in One new Article, put into the new Liturgy, of the Salvation of BaptizedInfant f, as undoubtedly certain by the Wordof God, without any exception, if they then dye. XXXIII. VVeare not againfl reading the profitable part of the .flpocrypha, as other Humane VVritings may be read, fufliciently diftinguithed from the v, ord of God. XXXIV. VVe are for Corporal VVorfhip, as a due expreti'ion of Spiritual : Andwe are againfi all undecent expreflìons in Pray- ing or Preaching, and all undecent Habits, Geffures or Ac.ions. XXXV. VVe blamenot theLiturgy for extending the words of Charityand Hope as far as there is any reafonable ground, in Sa- craments, Abíblution and Buryal. XXXVI. VVe are not for mens invading the Miniftry unordaina ed, but believe that Senior Paffors or Bifhops are ordinarily the regular Judges of the fitnefs of Candidates for the iniffry. XXXVII. VVe are notfor unlimited Toleration : But that the Rulers juilly diflinguifh in Law and Licenfe i . The approved, whom they muff own and maintain. 2. The tolerable, whom they muff tolerate. 3. The intollerable, whom they muff rem gain from doing hurt. XXXVIII. VVe are for making true Religion as National and extenfive as may be ; and for aNational Church ; r . As the affo- ciated Community of Churches in a Nation is Ib called. 2. And'. as they are all accidentally united under one Chriffian Soveraign :. Though we abhor the cafting out all that be notof our opinion and meafure, and that cannot fubmit to all that I here enumerate, which I-and others of my mind can fubrnit to. XXXIK. VVe are fo far from defiring to drawpeople from the parifhChurches intoConventicles, that we would keep up the honour of them to the utmoft of our power, as knowing how greatly the countenance and maintenance of. Rulers conduceth, to the