Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

( 6i ) them, was not the World loft for .Adam's fin ? Was not Cain's pofterity turfed for his fake? Were not all the Infants of the old World,, and all the Infants 6f the Sodamites burnt with fire from Heaven , and the Infants of the Canaanite: and AmalaZites, &c. killed for their Parents fin. Did not Chrift tell the Jews, lifat. 23. that all their Forefathers per- fecutions should be puniffied on that Generation ? The Jews knew this that faid, rim blood be on vu and onour Children. Our Liturgy faith, Remember not Lord our offences nor the offences of our Forefathers, &c. 2. And yet I tell you, that it is for their own fin that the feedofthe wicked perifh,fn is made their own, when foul and. body were for guilty corrupt Parents,rnade fuch by themfelves.. I do not fay that God imputeth their Parents infidelity to them. But this infidelity is the reafon of their not being delivered from their own original guilt. If Rebels forfeit Life and Eftate, and fo their Children live in beggery, and the King offer to reftore Father and Children, if the Father will thankfully accept his grace : If the Parent refufe this, his Children will Le beggars. Not becaufe the King punifh- eth them for their Fathers fault, but becaufe he firft deprived himfeif of the Eftate which he Mould have left them, and next becaufe he refufed to deliver them. If a Father will fet the Pox on his children, and after refute a Phylician that would cure him and them, the Phyfician doth not punifia the children. All Scripture andNature tell the world that it is fo deep an intereft that Parents have in children, as being caufes of their very efl'ence by Communication from their own effence, . and it is fo natural a power that Parents have over their children, that it fhould feem no ftrange thing toChriftians, or Infidels, that God maketh a verygreat difference between the feed of the faithful and of the Infidels and wicked And its ftrange that any men fhould rather lay their title to pardon and falvation upon a weer neighbour or ftranger that per- haps is a wicked wretch himfeif, than on. the Parents of the child, L. Bat will Godfave children for their Parents Faith ? I. Ig