Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

C74) fell, thefaith :of Chrit crucipd, and manfully to fight tinder his banner againftfan, the world and the devil, and to continue Çhrili's farthf Souldier andServant to his fifes end. Amen ] And in the Preface of Ceremonies [They ferve to a decent order, and godly dijcipline, etndfilch ad be apt to flir up the dull mind of man to the remembrance of hi duty to God by fame notable andfpiritualfîgnifacaa t ion, wherebyhe may be edified.] So that the thing fignifed is Chrift crucified with the be_. nefits of his Crofs, and the Grace of edification by ftirring up our dull minds by the moral caufality of the caufe, and_ binding us to conftancy to Chrift. L. But moral caufingby objefls works not on Infants. M. True, no more doth waffling in water, and yet this is ufed for the benefit of the Parents at prefent, and of Infants when they are at the ufeof reafon. Indeed Chrift by his own Sacrament giveth Right and Relative grace, which he will not do by mens inventions. III. But man plainly appointeth the Crofs towork this grace by way, of exciting fignification. IV. And it is exprefly made man's covenanting fign , by which he bindeth himfelf to covenant fidelity; that he will not be afhamed to confefs the Faith of Chrift crucified, and manfully to fight, &c. The whole duty of the covenant on man's part is promifed hereby. V. Andthe Canon. tells you it is a dedicating Sign and Badger of our profeffion. So that I fee not what is wanting to a Sacrament; as far as man can makeone,by prefiimption,which we cannot confent toa Lo. But it'sfaidthai Baptifm is perfeLL without it. M. So it is without the Lord's Supper ; and yet that isjuftly. added : It faith not that manscovenanting with God is perfect without it: For it feemeth a Sacrament of man's added to that of Chrift, to tie men fatter to him. L. Ancient Chrifiians did ufe the Croft without cruple. M. Y. It is not all ufe of the Crofs that we (peak againff 9. but ufing it as a Sacrament of the Covenant, and badgeof Christianity : The King would not take it well if Subjefts prey' fume to make a new Badge of the Order of Knights, of the : aster,,a ad add it to the Garter 211 the Star: To thew byan action.