Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

TheEpuleDedicatory. Princes have nothing to do but for our Bodies , and the Common Peace r but forfooth it is the Pope that muff Rule all about our Souls. The Libertines know whole caufe they plead. But verily men that re- gard the Intereff of Chrift and their falvation, would fet light by Princes, if they believed them to be fuch terreftriall animalsas Papiftsand Libertines would make them. Some allo there be, that would have a feulement up- on too rigorous terms, though theywould not have it executed with cruelty. Molt men would fain have their own opinions prevail, and toomany place toomuch of their Religion in cenfuring as Heterodox all that differ from them, and think it an evidence of their God- linefs that they are Uncharitable ; and feeing many minds and waies, they think that punifhment muft heal them all : Not that they would be driven to their Brethren , but all their Brethren muft be driven unto them. In themidft of all thefe crois expectations, if you will confult with, and obey the Lord, I dare boldly tell you, it is paff all doubts that you muff avoid extreams , and keep as tenderly the golden mean, in this point, as in any that concerns you. If you give Liberty to All that is called Religion, you will loon be judged of no Religion, and loved accordingly. If you fo far dole with any Partyofthem that walk in the faithof Chrift, and the fear of God, as to deal rigoroufly with the reft, you will be hated by them as a Perfecutor. Andifmen be oppreffed in that which they value above their lives, it will tempt them toneglet their lives for their relief. If you joyn with no Church in the Lords Supper and other holyCommunion, left you feem to efpoufe the party that youjoyn with, you will by molt be judged to be 4