Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

Objea. s> . (52 ) multiply : we would exclude thofe Bithops that would undertake two or three hundred mens work themfelves, and will rule a whole Diocefs alone ( or by a Lay Chancellor ), when every confcionable man that bath faithfully tryed it, doth feel the overfght of one Congregation to be fo great a burden, that it makes him groan and groan again. We would exclude thofe Bithops that would excludeall others in a whole Diocefs, that theymay do the work alone, and fo leave it undone, while they plead that it belongs to them to do it. If they will come into the Lords Harven, and exclude from the work of Government, the Labourersof a whole County or two, we have reafon to, contradift them. But this is not to bring in more fuch Bithops as they that will Phut out others, but tokeep in the neceffary la- bouring Bithopswhom they would Phut out. Nor do we Phut out them them(elves as Labourers or Rulers, but as the excluders of the Labourers or Rulers. If we have a Church tobuild that required' neceffarily two hundred workmen, and force Pillars, in it to Erect, of many hundred tun weight,if one of the. work- men would fay, that it belongs tohim todo it all himfelf, or at lean when the materials are brought to the place prepared, to rear and order and place every (tone and pillar in the building, I would no otherwifeexclude the vain pretender then by intro- ducing neceffary help that the work may be done ; and I fhould . think him a filly Caviller that would tell me, that while I exclude him, I do but multiplyTuch as he; when his very fault confined: in an hinderance of that neceffary multiplication. I know that force will fay, that we feign more work then is to, be done , and we would have the fentence of Excommunica- tion: pals upon every light offence. I anfwer ; that its a thing that we abhor : we would have none Excommunicated but for obilinacy inhainous fin ; when they will not hear the Church after more private admonition. But there's much more of the work, of Government to bedone on men that are not Excom- rnunicable, to bring them to Repentance, and open confeflion, for manifellation of that Repentance to the fatisfa&ion of the Church : but what need we plead how great the work is which =. every man may fee before his eyes, and experience putteth be-. yond difpute :Furthermore that the Englifh Epifcopacy is diffönant fro all . Scripture -