Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

Coq.) bouringpartsof e,1fl ,'did notmakehim the fixedDiccefan Bi- (hop of Ephefus. And what I fayof the Apoftles, I fayalfoof many fuch Itine- ,rrant unfixed.M!niflers which were their helpers, as Silas, Apollo, Barnabas, Titus, Timotk,, &c. For though T'mwtky be paled `by fome Anìients tt:e firtt B.fhop of Fphefiss, and Titus of Crete; yet is is apparent they were no fuch fix:d'.Miniiters, that -undertook a Didceis durant. vita as their proper charge, which 'were th n payedB fh. ps , butthey were ttinerent helpers of the Apot11esinga.hering, planting and firfl ordering of 'Churches. And therefore Titus was left in a whole Nationor large ifland, to place ífhops or Elders ine+ch City, and let things in order, and this but till Pau/ come, and nor to be hirrìfetf their fixed Bi. 'hop : andTomothy is proved by Scripture to have been unfetled and itinerant as a helper of Paul, after that he is by fome fup. pofed tobe fixed at Epbefus. I will not nee.lefty aftum agere : let any man that is unfatisfiedof this, read impartially Mr. unbifhoping of Timorky andTitus, andnote there the l tinerary of Timothy from Scripture Texts. If therefore our Bifhops would have been of theApoftles and their General helpers race, they fhould have gone up and down to gather and plant Church. es, and then go up and down to vifrt thofe which they have planted; or if they live where all are Enchurched already, they Mould go up anddown to preach to the ruder fort of them, and by the power of the word co fubdue men further to Chrift, and to fee thatall Minifters where they come do their duty,-epr, ving and admonifhing chofe that neglcit it, but not forbidding them to do it, asa thing belonging only to them. And by Spiritual weapons and authority thould they have drivenMiniflers to this duty, and not by meer fecular force ( of which moreanon.) 2. And as for the fixed Bifhopsof Apoflolical Inflitu Lion, out Englifh Prelacy are nor like them. For the fixed Bifhnts ef}a- blahed by the Apoftles were only Overfeers of one particular 'Church : But theEr glifh Prelates were the Overfeers of-many parvcular Churdes 1herefore the Englith Pre'ates were not the genie with tteoidl' ors of the Ail .fles ofitution. 'The courfe that the Prela,es take-to citvde this argonert is by giving ui a alle eefir itit n of a part ci art lurch. 'That wespay nottherétoteLave an unprofitable ftrife about words, I