Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

undenyably upon thedénying ofthe exiflence of fuhje& Pref. byters ; feeingno fuch Churches canbe , nor the worfhipping Affemblies held without a Bithop or 'Presbyter; ) fo that it was the mindof the Apoftles that it thould fo continue, is prove ed by the Defciption and work of thofe Scripture Bifhops. Argument 1. FromAils 20.. 28, 29, 31. The Bithops iníti- tuted and fixed by the Holy Ghoft were and are to rake heed to all the Flock. over which the Holy Gbog hath made them overfee- ers, to feed the Church of God , and to watch againi Wolves, and to warn every ose night andday But this cannot bedone by Di.. ocefan Bithops nor any that have more thenoneChurch Therefore Diocefan Bifhops are not the Bithops that theHoly Ghoft hath fo fixed and inftituted, fuch as Paul defcribeth were to continue : and thats fuch as can do that work. Argument 2. The Bithops that the Holy -Ghof} fettledand wouldhavecontinue, ( and had the Power of Ordination given them,) were fuch as were to be Ordained in every Cityand eve- ry Church, Ads 14. 23. Tit." s . 3, 4, 5. See Dr. Hammonds Annotat. But it is not Diocefan Bifhops that are filch ( for they are overmany Churches and Cities) therefore it is not Diocefan Bithops that were fettled by the Holy Ghoft, nor meant in thofe texts. Ar.3.The Bifhops which were inllituted by the Holy Ghoft, and are meant in Scripture, were towatch fer their peoplesfouls as thofe that muggiveaccount, Ruling over them , and to beobey. ed by all,and (peaking tothem the word of god, Heb.13.7,17,34- But this cannot be done by a Bifhop to a whole Diocefs, ( nor will they be willing of fuchan account ifthey be wife: jtherefore it is not Diocefan Bithops that are meant in Scripture. Argument 4. The Bithops fettledfor continuance inScripture were Inch as all the people were toknow as labouring among them, and over them in the Lord, and admonifhing them, and to aftetm them very highly in love, for their work,nIee, i Thef. 5.12,13. But this cannot be meant of our Diocefan Bithop, ( whom the hundreth part of the flock fhail never fee, hear,nor be admo- nifhed by : ) therefore it is not fuch that were fettled for conti- nuance in the Church. Argument 5 . TheBifhops fettled by the Holy Ghoft,muft by any that are tack be fent for, toprayover them. But this a Dio- L 2 celan