Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(76) cefan'Bifhop cannot do , to the hundreth or thoufandrh` perrétr-' in'fome places ; therefore it is not Diocefan Bithops (but the Bishops ofa tingle Church thatt are capable ofthefe works that are meant by the Holy Ghoft, to continue in the Church; and confequently to whom-the power of Ordainingwas committed. If any queftionw-hethér:the Texts alleadged do (peak of fubjed- Presbyters, or Bifhops, I refer them to the forefaid Reverend Doáor,withwhom I amagreed,that.there were no fubje,d-Pref: byrers irdlituted inScripture times;.. Rtafon. 13. Reafon a 3, It was not oneor two-orall Churches-47)rayear or two ormore in their weer. fieri or infancy before thg were wellformed,_ See Grotius de 'that confifled only ofone fettledworJhipping /l mblyand itsguides 3mperiop.3 ç t . Proving. ttsat.butit w.¢s.theformedandflablifhedflare ofthe particular Churches. the Chriftian Toprove this I (hall briefly do three: three things. r.., I Bail Church thew it in refpee ; to the Jewifh Synagogues. 2. As to the Government waChurches in the Apaftlesdayes after many years growth even sothat of the fitted of every Chinch chats mentioned in theNew Tellament, as a xcrt Temple , bat. particular Political Church. 3.. As to fomeof theChurches that of the after the Apotiles,dayes mentioned-by the ancients;._ aádaénguess. g. It-is apparent that the Jews Synagogues were particular `YO ring. to..r.. Congregational Churches,having eachone their feveral Rulers; proveBimops, and as many Learnedmen fuppofe, they had an Ecclefiaftical JuL hedots it dicatureof Elders ,, each of them, where fit men %hence, that couldbe.found' _. and this-diftind fromtheCivil Judicature :; Or thesee Inch as others think,, they had a Sanhedrirn which had power to .urriyw,,e,. budge jn.both.,Caufes, and one of'thelewas in everyCity, that L.etrttem then is, in Places ofCohabitation. For in every City of lfrael which ßòd to fc'na had one. hundred and twenty families (, or free perlons fay L?o g e others ): they placed the Sanhedrim of twenty three. And in };. everyCit.y.w.lích had not ore hundred and twentymen in it,they fet.the fmalleftJudicatureof three Judges, fa be it there were but twowife men among them, fit to teach the 'Law and refolve doubts. See Amssfworth onNumb. s I. t 6. cir ng.Talmrud: Bab: 'Alaim,'onides3..more at large. And doubdels many of our Country Villages, and abaft ail our Parifhes have more then izo. and every Country'vitlage may co.mein in the.leffer number below r z.o which are to have three' Elders : and that fay fame; was every placewbere were tenmen2. And 'that t eratender thegpaL 5anhedrimat FiriofisiemOnotbing.tiet,