Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(84) own. The impoflibilityof afaithful performanceof th's to mot is fo undenyable,that I cannot fuppofe anyother anfwer butthis that they might ordain Presbyters to affifc them in thework, and fo do mnch ofit by others. But i. I beforedefired to fee it provedby what authority they might do this. z. Their office andwork are fo infeparable that they cannotdepute others to do their work (their proper work) without deputing them alto to their office. For what is an office but the 'lace ofone Ob- liged codAtathorszed to do fuch orfuck a work'A.Presby ter may not authorize another to preachas theTeacher ofa Congregati- on, and to adminifter the Sacraments without making him a Presbyter alïo: Norcan a Bithopauthorize any todo the work of aBithop in whole or by halves without making him a Presby- ter or halfa Bithop: And he is not authorizedether tomake new officers in the Church, or todo his work by deputies or fub{li- tutes. z. I argue afro from the Identityofthat Church to wilds the Bifhopsarid 'Deacons were appointed for miniftration. It was not äCfiurch of many ftated_Congregations, or any larger . than our Paxifhes for number of fouls that the Deacons were. made Miniflers co : therefore it was no other or bigger which. theBishops werefet ove-. Theconreq.nence is good : becaufe where ever Deacons are mentioned in Scripture or any Writer that I remember neer ro Scripture times,they are Hill mentioned with the Bifhops or Presbyters as Knitters to the fame hurch With them,as is apparent bth in the feven chofen for the Church at 7eroplem and in Phil., s. t, z and in the Direction ofPaaal to Timothy for ordaining them. And the Antecedent is proved . from the natureof their work : For they being to attend on the tables at the Love featls and che Lords Supper, and to look to the, poor, they couldnot do this for any greater number of peo- ple then we mention ; Whether they had thofe fea{ls in one houle . or manyat once,I determine not ; but fcr the number o. people, it was as much as a Deacon could do at the utmoft to attend a thoufandpeople. I thall proceed a little further towards the times nest follow- ing ; and Grit I (hall take in my way the confeffion of one or two learned men that are for Prelacy. Groans in his, 4rane:at. on s Tim. 5. 57. faith [ Sed" notap iaost