Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

The Preface. 3 importunity: With too many (rniferable fouls!) it is meer isngodlinefs,andenmity to that way of Piety, that in many that youdiffer from, appears : And in the heft ofyou it is a Bemifsnefs of Charity, and want of Zealfor the Churches Peace, and the Love and Vnity of Brethren. To con- fute thereafonings ofall thefe forts; would draw out this Preface to too great a length. The firfl fort my experience bath caufed me to obferve. oft have 1 faln into company with men that pour forth bitter odious words againfi Pref- byterie : and I ask them what that Presbyterie is that they fpeak ofwith fomuch abomination ? Is it the Name or the Thing,; which they fo abhor ? If the Name , is it not a term of Scripture ssfed by the Holy Ghofr ? I Tim. 4. 14. Are not the Pafiors ofthe Churchmo,fifre- quentlycalled the Presbyters, or Elders ? Tit. I. 5. Ad. 14. 23. &15. 2, 4, 6, 22, :3. I Tim. 5. 17. Ad.2o. 17. James 5. 14. I Pet. 5. it, &c. it muffneeds then be the Thing, and not the Name which they abominate. And what is that Thing ti moll ofthem cannot tell me. Some prefently talk of the difufe ofthe Common Prayer; if that werea part of Presbyteries and Government, and the form of war/hip were all one. Some prefently run to Scotland,and talk offorcingmen to Confefsion offn, and of theirfecular enforcement of their Excommunications. But I. Ifthis be odiorss, whywas it ufedby the .Bishops ? Is itgood in them, andLad in others ? 2. And why plead youfor Difcipline, andagainfi Toleration, if you to loath the things you plead for ? 3. But will you not, when its known fo openly,difiingi iJh the Minifterial Powerfrom the fecular ? Its known by their Laws and confiant Prance, that allthe Power that was exercifedby violence, en Body or Eflate, by the Asfemblies was derived from the ma- gifirate, wholeComrnifisoners alfofate among them. And the Bishops in England were fecorded by the Sword, as (a 2) much