Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

24. The Preface. who labour in the word and dottrine ] fee .fir. H. expounding it of Bifhops. $ They 5. 12. And we befeech you Brethien to know themwhich labour among you, and are over yáu in the Lord,and admonifh you and toefteem them very highly in love for their works fake] Dr. Y. [Pay all due refpeas to the Bifhops of your feveral Churches ] Tell its ye Pari¡hes of England, what labours have Bifhops bellowedamong you ? or howmany of you have they izdmonifhed ,? andwhich of them are you hence obliged to honour for their works fake ? and is it them, or is it the Presbyters ? 1 mentionnone of this as blaming Bithopsfor negligence ; but as blaming them that will plead for, and undertake an impofsible task ; and after all with an hardened forehead will defend it with violence andfeparation from d.ffenters , when fo many ages have told the world to their faces, that the under- taken task was never done. 3. It is the work ofBifhops to confirm the Baptized: and is nowmade peculiar to them. D. H. Con lieb. i 3.4. Toteach, exhort, confirm, and impofe hands, wt re all the Bifhops office in that place ] eind if fo, then the examining all the perforas inaDiocef s, till they have pill fatisfalion that they are fit to be confirmed, and the aölu- all Confirmation of them all, will be a confiderable task of it felf. 4. It is the Bifhops work to exercife Difcipline in the Church, by admonifhin the unruly and diforderly, and hearing the cafe when the Church is told of t hofe that have continued impenitent, and openly to rebuke them, and to call them out by Excommunication, if they remain im- penitent and unreformed. Dr. H. on Tit. 3. r o. [ It is thyoffice and duty toward fich an one, firft to admo- nifh him onceor twice, and if that will not work upon him