Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(7 which we are ¡unified, and that our A ffnt, or Acceptance of him is our reacher and Lord our defire of him, our love to htr,our renouncing other )aviour_ = andour own Righteoufnefs, etc. are the works which Paul loth exclude from our Ju ifi- cation, and that it is Jewifh to expect to be juflifi(d by thèfe though but as Conditions of Julf,fication; there perfons do miLke Raul, and pervert the Marine of Faith and Juflifit,ai on, and their Dutrrine tendeth to corrupt thevery nature of Chriftianity it felt. Though yet I doubt not but anyof there acts conceited meritorious ( or otherwife as before explained in the Negative) if men can believe contradcrories, may be the matter of fuch works as Pawl excludeth : And fo may that one actalfo which they appropriate the name of juftifying faith to. Trep)ftion 7. Sincere obedience toGod in Chrift is a con- dition of our con - ¡nuance in a flare of Juflific.tion, or of our not lofing it. And our perfeverance (herein is a._ condition of our r.ppearing in that frate before the Lord, at our deparure hence. Pro ' o/iiion 8. Our Faith, Love, and Works of t ove, or fin- . cere Obedience, are conditions of our fentential Jollification by Chrift at the particular and general Judgement ( which is the great Juflification. ) And fo as they will prove otir Interefi in Chrift our Righteoufnefs, fo will they materially themfelves jufriñe us- againft the particular falfe Accufation of beine fi- nally impenitent, Unbelievers, not Loving, not obe, ing fin- cerely. For todeny a falfe accufacion is fufic ent to our Jutli- fication Prop;fition ç. As Glorification and Deliverance from Hell, is by force called Executive pardon or i uftihcation; fo the fore- faid.a:.ìs are conditions of that execu i m, which are conditions of Juififìcation by the fentence of the Judge. `Propo#¢!zon. to. A s to a real inherent Jufrice, or Juiiifica: tion, in this life we have it in part ( in our Sanctification and Obedience ) and in the life to come we Ball have it in perfec- tion. Somuch for the explicatoryPropolitions® I come